yellowing on leaves help me what is it


here is no need to water every day with a soil grow. This can contribute to the yellowing and loss of leaves. Lift the pot and if it feels light as a feather water/feed it. Let the roots dry out some. Water well and then wait until needed again. """""" in my plant pot i have a bottom to it that holds water and roots suck up.


Just read this post and i have the same problem, as i thought because my plants are 20 days into soil/perlite , i came to the same conclusions that it was a lack of nutes in the soil due to the time spent getting water to dilute the natural nutes in the soil, decided to give them some micro nutes,calmagand chempak high nitrogen 20:20:20, if this helps thanks ppl


Well-Known Member
i added some fox farm Big bloom to see if that will help i did 1.5 teaspoons to a half gal. that brought my ph down a little to what looks more like 6.5 7ish im using a cheap soil probe ph tester i know they suck n are bad to use but its all i have . , so hopefully that will help it along with giving it any nutes if that was the issue
Way too young for nutes in FFOF, if anything it might be too hot. Bottled water, if that is what you are using has a PH of 7. You should PH your feed water, and adjust that to 6.2 - 6.5. I would stop feeding, and get your PH more precise say to 6.3, and stay there. It's really to young to be deficient in anything. Peace


Well-Known Member
That poor little thing is burning to a crisp... Ocean Forest soil can and will burn small plants like that. The high temps will only exacerbate the problem by increasing the plants transpiration.

There is no way that tiny plant has depleted all the nutrients from that big pot of Ocean Forest soil. It's not about how long it's been in the soil (irrelevant) it's about how much it has grown. A 1 or 2 gallon pot of Ocean Forest soil can easily veg a plant to about a foot tall without any added nutrients (I used to do this back in my noob days).

Your best bet will be to not add any more nutrients, and ride it out for another couple weeks. Either they will pull through, or they will continue I burn up.


Well-Known Member
ive grown with this soil b4 no problem . and heres the crazy part.........i had my critical jack plant going for a few weeks then i wanted to plant my blueberry so i did. at this same time i was planting the blueberry was the same day i added perlite for gnats. 2 days later my jack is burning my blueberry was fine.... now im coming into my room today to see the blueberry now burnt as well and its a tiny seedling with only 1 set of leaves. im thinking its the MG perlite killing them im ganna let my pots dry out for another day or 2 then flush the shit out of them to get this stuff out


Well-Known Member
seems like after a nice flush and a little hydrogen peroxide to give the roots some O2, its not burning anymore and the hydrogen brought my ph of my soil down to 6.3 6.5 ish