yellowing on old and new leaves, please help!

hey guys, i got a lowryder 2 plant going atm, shes just under 5 weeks old and was looking really healthy, no yellowing, etc until the other day i saw these weird bits appearing ( also the bottom two leaves are yellowing and seem to be dying but aparently thats kinda normal?) i just repotted her into a bigger pot and im wondering if that may have stressed it atal? any help would be brilliant, thanks guys



Active Member
I don't know about the rest but that almost perfectly round spot almost looks like you got nute enriched water right on the leaf there...
I don't know about the rest but that almost perfectly round spot almost looks like you got nute enriched water right on the leaf there...

a well i just watered it earlier and i may have accidenly got some on the leaves, will that grow green again or is that leaf pretty much screwed now?