yellowing please help


Well-Known Member
ive recently started flowering and my leaves are becoming very soft and not perky, i flushed the other day and i am currently getting the soil's npk and ph, the ph is about 5-6, im mainly puting the plant outdoors during the day and indoors at night as it is hot during day and a bit to chilly at night the tips of the leaves are turning yellow with tan spots on some, its hot latley indoors and out the yellow and dying leaves are on the top the tan/soft leaves are in the middle, id want to take a pic but my cam is fucking useless any suggestions?

i now have picutres


Well-Known Member
the nutes arnt meant for weed its just 20-20-20 water soluble i got for the time being as there is no store that carries the proper stuff near me id say .25 of a gram every other week


Active Member
hmm.... that sucks. Well, i hope she gets better. I'm kinda lost for words on this because i had the same thing happen one time and it was chemical burn. How close is ur light? Proper ventilation?


Well-Known Member
You are growing in soil????

Soil ph should be 6.8-7.

They are dying , pick off all fucked leaves, flush with properly ph'd water , and feed WEAK nutes.

Give them at leasdt 3 days to recover. That damage didnt happen instantly and the repair wont either.


Well-Known Member
just re read post , also i would consider underwatering as an option as your putting them outdoors and you say its quite hot , then maybe if they arnt getting enough water combined with intense heat that could cause the death of leaves. They look really crunchy which i would say would be from scorching.Get that ph in balance and get some proper nutes u cheapo,lol.


Well-Known Member
my ph is balanced i balance all my water from tap and let it sit 24/7 and i can afford nutes im far from a place that sells not-crap nutes


Well-Known Member
my lights just turned on and the tan spots are lightly gone but the yellow ones r still fuct