Yellowing problem. W/ photos.


Well-Known Member
Let me try to get this all set up for you.

Soil grow with CFLs. Plants in question are the oldest, about a month.
I water when needed by checking the soil an inch or two down. I did add a little sugar to the water for about a week but I stopped now (it's been 3 days). Unfortunately I am using Miracle Grow organic soil. :evil: Temp is around 82 F. Water is PH 6.3 from tap which sits for at least 24 hours before watering. Bag seed.

I have the cabinet lined with that foil tape... I think I'm going to tear it down and paint the inside white. Comp fan in the back blowing out the front. Window fan blowing from in front at various distances depending on my mood.

Anyone know what may be causing this?? Any other questions?

Threw in a few extra photos of the rest of the plants too. Don't mind any stretching. I intentionally moved them away from the lights (5-7") away for a day and a half to grow them up a little bit.

I have a feeling it is the soil since I have read so many negatives about it frying plants. Please tell me something else. I may transplant into another soil and larger pots a week before flowering.

EDIT: BTW I did search. But I made my own post for the details and to seperate it from other threads basically.



Active Member
I had the same thing happen to my plants, and im pretty sure this looks like overwatering or nute burn, i used the miracle grow organic soil as well, and im really starting to think the soil had a lot more nutes in it than what my plants needed... So i flushed them once, then let them dry out and now they seem to be doing alright... In your case i would say let your soil dry out and try to cut back a little on the water, and stay away from the sugar as much as possible for right now!!!!


Active Member
i'm using miracle gow organic right now as well and my plants look like they're havin he same problems... i figured it was somthing to do with the nutes so i ave em a litle extra thinking maybe they were low but i think they got a little worse.

try flushing and see how it goes


Well-Known Member
Oh wow. This finally got some replies I noticed :)

Thanks everyone.

I seemed to have mostly solved the issue by spraying the leaves with water (so far no water burn from the lights!) I did a little pruning on one or two of the plants. Actually the leaves EASILY pulled right off.

I stopped using the sugar water also so maybe that helped?

Who knows but I am happy where things are right now.