Yellowing veins on new growth


Active Member
I'm using bubbleponics, 400w switchable ballast, and Lucas formula with GH nutes. I have pretty hard water, and I read the sticky. It mentioned sulfate, which described many of my symptoms. I was wondering, is this a sulfate deficiency? The pictures aren't there anymore so I can't really tell. My water is pretty hard, and my ph is 6-6.25.

Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Normally I would say the same except for that it is predominantly on new vegetation. Plus the veins are yellow, while in between the veins is not. However I did add about 5 ml of grow and 10 ml of flora, as I figured it was some sort of deficiency (I assumed zinc or mg.) Also, roots aren't branching as much as I normally see. Maybe it's another symptom.


Well-Known Member
Actually this plant Seem fine to me???Keep it at around 6.2-6.5 plant did that but itss just their normal.....Buddy site thing its just bigger in ur case im sure.



Weed Modifier
Stress, prob, heat temp flux too great, def some kind of stress? Need more info! Or shocking the roots, like I said more info would help!


RIU Bulldog
Can you give pics of the older leaves, also close up pics of leaves with problems. Could I have more pics from different angles too, where you can see the stems?


Active Member
I switched to a stronger nute regiment last night and slept on it (despite my fear as La Diva is a blueberry strain). It was around 350ppm when I took the pic, and now it's staying strong at around 750ppm and they seem to be doing better. I think it was either a Zn or N deficiency. I'll take more pics and keep everyone updated.

Btw, you guys are a lot more helpful than those on other forums. You will definitely see me around more often.

Edit: I forgot to include the whole reason I upped the nutes was because they are auto's. I figured it had been over two weeks since it cracked open and the plant was probably very near flowering, if not already started.


Active Member
So far they're pretty impressive. I have this La Diva, and a Blue Himilaya Diesel that I popped in about a week later. I was expecting them to be super touchy with nutes, and during the first week or two they are (of course) but after that, I've raised them to 750 with no problem and they still act like they might need more. I'll give it two or three more days though and see if they still have a shade of pale yellow two them before I bump it up to 950.


Active Member
Here's an update. PPM's are at 800. They looked a little better for a few days. Any suggestions? As one could see, it's still mainly on new growth. Leaves are also a lot skinnier now. It's about 79 degrees in there.