Yellowing with Brown patches


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
I've got some 2 week old seedlings, which are mostly looking well as they chill under inadequate CFLs while I finish the grow chamber...
One of them started showing brown patches corresponding to the areas between veins:

And another yellowed (after slight wilting from low water) then came up with a couple of brown spots on the yellowed leaves:

I've got them on 18hrs/day, watering a little every 24hrs, 1/4 strength nutes, pretty much constant fan.
Anyone got any ideas what's up? :confused:

PS: sorry bout the lame pics, camera phone til I get my DSLR... :mrgreen:


Active Member
think your biggest problem will be the light if you don't get something sorted out, the plant's stretching way to much..... i would hold off on the nutes for up to a week doesn't harm the plant it may even help it. The problem with the leaves looks like nute burn to me maybe even ph problem? do you know the ph level?


Well-Known Member
Grow chamber's nearly finished thank fcuk. I don't know the pH i'm afraid, haven't invested in a meter or anything. I'd be surprised if it was that, or even nutes, as it's only 2 plants out of 12 that have a problem, and they're all getting the same treatment.
Thanks for your help


Well-Known Member
Come on guys, please, there must be someone who recognizes this! The yellowing seems to be progressing and now might be starting on another of the seedlings :(


Well-Known Member
Grow chamber's nearly finished thank fcuk. I don't know the pH i'm afraid, haven't invested in a meter or anything. I'd be surprised if it was that, or even nutes, as it's only 2 plants out of 12 that have a problem, and they're all getting the same treatment.
Thanks for your help
Don't dismiss people peoples suggestions when you're asking for help! You're a cocky little bugger who knows nothing - so listen to what other people say to you and don't be so dogmatic. Show people who try to help you a bit of respect.

Anyway, the symytoms your plants are showing could be caused by all manner of things - and one of them could be ph, so don't dismiss it! Need far more information from you to help you with this. I'm assuming your growing in soil, what soil is it? size of pots? kind of light? What nutrients are you using, seems a bit early for nutrients anyway, whats the water like in your area? do you allow the water to stand for 24 hours before feeding? You're not watering them correctly either - don't give them a little bit everyday, water them when they need it and allow some drain off out of the pot.

It looks like nutrient deficiency to me, but it could be others things , it's hard to say without more information and don't automaticaly give them more nutrients because that could make things worse.


Well-Known Member
Woah babygro, calm down! It just doesn't seem logical that plants being treated the same would be so different, that's all I was saying. And there's no need for such insults
You're a cocky little bugger who knows nothing
:roll: Quite apart from being untrue, that was also pretty harsh considering that I was simply bouncing some ideas around - at no point did I say anyone was wrong. The idea of a forum as far as i'm aware is to have an atmosphere of openness to ideas and new learning.

From what i've read and seen, I'm thinking it may be nutrient burn, but i've read that it usually appears at the tips or edges of leaves. I'd also say it may be because they're pot bound as they're still in a seedling tray (but only til tomorrow, so we'll see). I've switched back to straight water (I live in a fairly hard water area so it's filtered and left to stand), and am making sure that there's noticeable runoff when watering (and only watering when dry). *ducks for fear of retribution* I'd also GUESS that it's not gonna be nutrient defficiency as i've been giving them a wide spectrum of nutrients (Hesi TNT, root complex and powerzyme at 1/4 strength).
There are signs of the same thing on 6 of them out of 12 now, so yeah, it couldd be pH or ferts! So, the mystery deepens...

Again, thanks for helping


Well-Known Member
lmao nutrient deficiency how bout u think before u type noob. The plants are only 2 weeks old so no way is that the case. It might be overwatering. But it could also be ur cfls, maybe there to close? everyone thinks cfls cant burn plants but they do, but its probly the nutes its too early for ur babys to cope with it, or ur mix is too strong.


Well-Known Member
Cool, thanks leafwrapper, as I said, i've gone back to pure water to see what difference it makes. I don't think it's the lights as it's only the lower leaves that are affected. Woulda thought it would be the upper if it was heat doing the damage.