

Well-Known Member
First pic is an old pic of the original plant in flower. The next two are a cutting that us two weeks into flower and the last is the same plant in veg. It has feint yellowing between veins and accentuated at the end of the leaves. New leaves initially seem ok, but gradually start turning.
Its grown in soil with light feeding and 1 ml calming per litre on most waterings.



Well-Known Member
sometimes a light feeding is not enough for a thriving plant
thats some heavy calmag feeding btw. when I add calmag to my promix/well water/organicare
my plants suffer. I put it on the shelf for an issue free grow once again. I was told here to try it and it failed miserably in
my garden. My fertilizer has calcium in it and magnesium is not in shortage in the organic style.


Well-Known Member
I have been feeding lightly because previously i didn't know what the problem was. I thought it could be have been overfeeding it. So up the nutes and decrease the calmag?