Yes!my 1st grow!!!


Active Member
ok,,da white thingi is out from da seed can u guys temme in how many days will i b abl 2 c da actual plant? n in hawmany days can i actually get weed 4m it??? This is my first grow ,,,so :))
thnx a lot guys,,,n a wonderful website .....,,,, -----peace-------
Just put the germinated seed into soil, about a half inch down, and the plant will break the surface in 2-5 days...

THEN you'll have a seedling for 5-20 days...

THEN you'll have a vegging plant for 5-60 days...

THEN you'll have a flowering plant for 56-96 days...

THEN you'll have a drying plant for 5-15 days...

THEN you'll have a curing plant for 5-65 days...

THEN SMOKE out! :bigjoint:

HEy !!!! Thnx 4 dat,,,* potroast*!!!!! now i already see a green leaf shooting out,but i m scared,wat if it turns out 2 be a male plant?? is der anyway 2 increase chances of gettin a female???
Thnx GUys ,,, :) ------------peace------------
You've got a 50 percent chance that it's a female.

Keeping that in mind, there are things that you should do.
Give the seedling plenty of room to grow roots, the tap root will grow downward faster than the stem will grow up. Hindering the taproot might cause the plant to be a male.
Keep a healthy environment for your plant, no stress.
Don't give her a guy's name.

Just figure that half of your plants will be male, and will have to be tossed. If you have only one plant, well, keep your fingers crossed. :bigjoint:
How old are you? you see your dad doing something ? naaa man read, read, read, when you think you know what our doing, read some more k! I think widow maker past a site that tells ya everything., like i said, read what he post, & read 20 more lol, no lie, its a never ending learning subject, & have fun!
How old are you? you see your dad doing something ? naaa man read, read, read, when you think you know what our doing, read some more k! I think widow maker past a site that tells ya everything., like i said, read what he post, & read 20 more lol, no lie, its a never ending learning subject, & have fun!

i totally agree, i friggin hate reading, but i love learning. so it works out ya see?