Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

I'm assuming you just set the bong down... just ribbin' you man. Snakes and shit...... or did I just set the bong down?
No, man, I'm sober. I just got the image of a bag of rattlesnakes in my head that represents the image you painted about you and your neighbors. It boggles my mind to think that you and your kind make FedEx delivery a dangerous job. And think that's OK.
No, man, I'm sober. I just got the image of a bag of rattlesnakes in my head that represents the image you painted about you and your neighbors. It boggles my mind to think that you and your kind make FedEx delivery a dangerous job. And think that's OK.
Not the case. An unmarked van crossed my tripwire, where we just don't see much traffic. .. very little. What would you think?... living remotely?.. would you just wait for them to come to the door, or pack a small firearm just in case?
Not the case. An unmarked van crossed my tripwire, where we just don't see much traffic. .. very little. What would you think?... living remotely?.. would you just wait for them to come to the door, or pack a small firearm just in case?
I think you are being cowardly. I don't think I would. From what you say, you contemplate taking another man's life many times a day for no good reason. As if you live in a war zone. I think it has made you crazy.
I think you are being cowardly. I don't think I would. From what you say, you contemplate taking another man's life many times a day for no good reason. As if you live in a war zone. I think it has made you crazy.
Negative.. I'm pretty level headed... and "many times a day"?.... no. Again, it's a rare occasion. Cowardly is not standing your ground or being situationally aware. Know the difference. Our regular UPS guy is very cool. He comes in the house and we pack a couple of blunts for him from our own stash, and shoot the shit for a few min., bump fists and say "see ya next time bro!"... and we ain't two white dudes. He's a black man, and i'm white. Love this guy!.. totally cool. He mostly catches us in our PJ's because we sleep so late. We both love this guy. FedEx seems to vary on thier drivers and delivery you never know. But, I know when my dude shows up from UPS that he's welcome inside. I just keep him out of view from the interior cameras for his own protection. Don't want him losing his job or anything. Hope he's around for a while.
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Negative.. I'm pretty level headed... and "many times a day"?.... no. Again, it's a rare occasion. Cowardly is not standing your ground or being situationally aware. Know the difference. Our regular UPS guy is very cool. He comes in the house and we pack a couple of blunts for him from our own stash, and shoot the shit for a few min., bump fists and say "see ya next time bro!"... and we ain't two white dudes. He's a black man, and i'm white. Love this guy!.. totally cool. He mostly catches us in our PJ's because we sleep so late. We both love this guy. FedEx seems to vary on thier drivers and delivery you never know. But, I know when my dude shows up from UPS that he's welcome inside. I just keep him out of view from the interior cameras for his own protection. Don't want him losing his job or anything. Hope he's around for a while.
One of our UPS drivers leaves Milkbones for the dogs. If our dog isn't out there when he drops off a package he always leaves a few bones on top. Super cool of him. We bought him a big box of them to show our appreciation. This is the most dog friendly place I've ever lived in, :bigjoint:
no, you just don't get it. Not ban. People afflicted with fear if they don't have a gun at hand aren't going to give up their unreasonable fear or gun and will fight back. Besides for the most part it's an unreasonable fear on both sides. It is rare that they will commit homicide and rarer still that they need to defend themselves.

If left alone rattlesnakes prefer to live in peace with the occasional rabbit taking the hit. So leave them alone. What we are talking about is making sure that young rattlesnakes who are more likely to strike without good reason have small fangs and little venom. Also take venom sacs away from rattlesnakes that have demonstrated they are too aggressive or angry to be trusted with the ability to strike. Other than that, do not let the population of rattlesnakes develop the capacity to carry a large amount of venom because studies show that rattlesnakes who decide to commit mass murder are limited in their damage when they can't strike quickly for a great number of times.
It's not me, if the extremist situation persists, eventually an extremist solution will be found, the room for compromise is eroding and once it begins the slippery slope argument will apply. I believe it is the only constitutional way in light of recent SCOTUS decisions, federal regulation of arms appears the only way and if the government wants to disincentivize something, it taxes it.

Having said the above, securing the republic from fascism is a higher priority and more people want restrictions on guns than don't, by a large margin. Those who advocate gun ownership, and no regulations are republicans anyway, no votes lost there. It's the same for taking down foxnews based on the harm they do to the country, only republicans watch it, no votes lost for the democrats there either. So initially at least common-sense gun restrictions and if the SCOTUS strikes them down, then go for registration and taxation and tie them in knots. Reducing guns in America will be a decades long task, but it can be done, though must be done in such a way as not to lose power to fascists.
Maybe it's the lack of gun contact that has some of you scared. How hard would your heart be beating in a hot situation? Could you hold the gun still without shaking like a leaf in the breeze? Control your breathing? Be aware of what's behind your target? What's going on behind your back? I bet you couldn't. You haven't had enough practice.
I’ve been practicing on the UPS guy. I don’t have shaky hands anymore but I haven’t received a package in 6 months.
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@Fogdog .... if me and you were in a convince store in let's say San Franciso, and an active robbery was occurring, even tho I don't know you, I'd still take the guy out just to save a strangers life. There are "good guys" that neutralize a situation all the time, you just don't hear about it... because it's not good media. I'm not living in fear by any means. I'm just "situationally aware".... at times when deemed accordingly... kinda depends on where Im going if I carry or not.
I don’t know how Fogdog would feel about it but if it were me in that situation I’d rather you kept your gun in your pants.
I only know what I can read on the subject. Just saying, you have your opinion, others have opinions that differ. It's going to happen. These guns will start showing up in the hands of mass shooters that purportedly can defeat nearly all armor currently used by police and do it at greater distance than the current favorite, the military style assault weapons.

I'm just wondering why people don't care. You provided a reason. But it still doesn't make sense to me that we should introduce a rifle to civilians with not even the excuse of being better at self defense than a hand gun that can kill an officer at 1000 yards even if he's wearing body armor. None of this makes sense to me. Maybe we should consider stopping this from going into mass production for civilian use.
You realize it's the cartridges, not the gun that's defeats body armor right? You can already get various models of guns chambered in 277 Fury.
I don’t know how Fogdog would feel about it but if it were me in that situation I’d rather you kept your gun in your pants.
or you could try to draw on someone who is just faster and better than you, piss him off, and he kills you and every other person in that store, because you wanted to be in the news to prove that a good guy with a gun can make a difference...and you were right, you made a difference in that robber's day, the clerks day, your own day, and the days of everyone else you just got murdered...
I don't know you , so i can't state this as a fact, but i'm relatively certain no one elected you to protect a fucking thing...don't appoint yourself saviour, you haven't even had the crappy training most cops get.
or you could try to draw on someone who is just faster and better than you, piss him off, and he kills you and every other person in that store, because you wanted to be in the news to prove that a good guy with a gun can make a difference...and you were right, you made a difference in that robber's day, the clerks day, your own day, and the days of everyone else you just got murdered...
I don't know you , so i can't state this as a fact, but i'm relatively certain no one elected you to protect a fucking thing...don't appoint yourself saviour, you haven't even had the crappy training most cops get.
Sounds like a recipe for turning a robbery into a gun fight to me.
That's a completely different round than the various rounds the AK variants all shoot....
see, the thing is, NO ONE that has been killed by a mass shooter gives one thin fuck about that. Neither do the friends and families of those killed.
The only people that seem to care about that trivial, bullshit minutiae, are people trying to distract from the fact that guns DO kill people. They kill people every time a mass shooter is allowed access to them, because half of our government are bought and paid for stooges of the gun industry.
How about discussing that, the next time you want to contribute something to the conversation?
Congratulations America! Yet another blow struck for freedom! Keep it up and you will be even more "free". I'm done feeling sorry, it's just too exhausting. Thoughts and prayers, it is not a tragedy, it is entirely preventable and is a deliberate act of malice, but not by the shooter, they apparently are insane, but by those who want to keep guns free in America and the politicians who support them, while imprisoning everybody else in fear.

Excuse me if I laugh at repeated stupidity while crying for the victims, those who cling to their guns don't care how many kids or others die and this won't change their minds, because they just don't care enough to give up their toys. Fuck you will be the response and until you fuck them back nothing will change.

5 dead and at least 6 taken to the hospital in Louisville mass shooting, police say. The shooter is dead
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