Well-Known Member
This reminds me of a factoid I came across years ago & never really knew what to do with it: apparently, 20% of the population owns 80% of the guns. It gets weirder when you think about it.
For one thing, that’s PRIVATE gun ownership: military & LEO weaponry *not* counted.
It’s not an average, either: if those 80% were distributed roughly evenly among the 20%, the numbers dictate each individual of those 20% would have hundreds of weapons. Does this imply organized private stockpiling against an expected need for a shit-ton of guns, fast? Sure does…most gun guys I’ve known (me included (sorta)) have had fewer than a dozen at a time.
I’ve also wondered: is that 20% ALSO stockpiling 80% of the ammunition? I’ve heard a ton of paranoid whimpering about “the ammo shortage”, but between bulk orders for defense and LE, the remaining 80% of the population couldn’t possibly account for the millions of rounds made & sold every year in all calibers that *aren’t* on the shelves, so…until I have a decent reason to think otherwise, I’m of the opinion that the 80%-owning 20% is also copping ~80% of the ammo.
it is worrying when you consider HOW MANY (or how few) INDIVIDUALS must make up the number that controls all those guns. It boosts the likelihood of a hot overthrow attempt, more than just theoretically
From a study in 2016:
Nearly Half Of Guns In U.S. Owned By 3 Percent Of Population, Study Finds
There are something like 393 million guns in private hands. 332 million adults in the US. 3% of the population is about 10 million people who own something like 200 million guns. This still does not paint the picture because the simple average would make it out to be 20 per person in that group. Somebody owns a whopping large number of guns while most own 10 or fewer. I agree, the mega owners might present a problem to our government.