The paradigm has changed more swiftly due to technological advancement however we, as humans, have not..if you are looking to make a change that will count? vote the locals..I'm talking Midterms. Voting from ground up is the way can't build a house that will stand without proper foundation. Social Media is huge driver of Divide and Conquer..pull the plug on all of it..if you want/need to talk come to RIU where is reasonably safe. If you see something scary make sure it's true first by checking two other places.
Do you live in a legal state? If so, I recommend
quick action indica gummies instead of the Xanax. A Benzo withdraw is the worse kind in the world. You'll throw away those Xanax when you learn how to use plant medicine- and there is a learning curve to it..I happen to be the local pharmacist in case you have any questions feel free to PM me with the particulars.
Good job on getting it with fentanyl

There are test strips out there that TACO has been handing out free to test your buy.
Some people consider it 'drug paraphernalia' and want to put those who hand out free test strips in jail. But what about the places like CVS and Walgreens that sell test strips and charge money for the pleasure?