Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

So a marijuana conviction would be cause for refusal? What about a bout of depression years ago? It gets very complicated whe you get down to it :(.
Just have them pay $250 for a pro to candle their heads and ask a few questions about politics and vaccines to weed out the serious nut cases like Tories and antivaxxers... :lol: The depressed are not a big issue or even most of the schitzos, the psychos, borderline and antisocial personalities, along with narcists are though. They are considered to have character flaws under the law and not mental illnesses, but are the most likely to murder.
Probably not. An adaptive pressure needs dozens or hundreds of generations to write the adaptations into the median genome.
Evolution depends on selection pressure, most breeds of dogs are just a few hundred years old for instance, we do the selecting in that case, but nature can also be pretty efficient too when conditions are right.
It is already illegal for bad people to do bad things with guns.

What new law do you propose that the criminals will follow?
remember Rittenhouse? The court of supposed law let us down pretty badly. More positive safeties are needed as this is now a massive public health issue.
So, by your logic if someone disagrees with you then you should be able to dictate their rights?
Hey Trumpers proved themselves to be lunatics, I mean the capitol insurrection looked like they emptied the contents of a couple of state hospitals on the capitol steps. Obviously they didn't know their assholes from a hole in the ground to believe Donald Trump FFS, you'd have to be a fucking idiot!

I mean do you think this republican should own a gun? :lol:

Btw, I'm not a gun owner.

I'm just looking at it from the outside.

I don't see any reason why people shouldn't be able to protect themselves, there isn't always a police officer near by to protect everyone.
With your avatar and username designed to be offensive, I don’t believe you.
Were they armed with guns?

Did they shoot anyone?

Did anyone get shot?
Because Washington DC has very strict gun laws that are enforced, if they brought them, they would be busted, but some still did and then there was that armed force across the river in Virginia. They had plenty of other arms including the metal spear disguised as a flag pole that the horned moron carried, hundreds of cops were injured and some died as a result. One brainwashed idiot was killed by police for going a doorway too far, they would have been justified in mowing them down like grass on the capitol steps and the next time will. They had a gallows on the lawn and were hunting the vice president shouting "Hang Mike Pence" FFS. Hundreds will do serious time and that doesn't include many of the elites who are about to be nailed by the J6 panel.
It’s more complicated, since the laws are so different from state to state. California dies not allow civilian sales of AR-platform guns to cuvilians, except cops. I would leverage the injustice of some civilians being more equal than others.

The irony is that police chiefs are one of the loudest voices against general gun ownership. I wonder if their tune would change if the law enforcement exemption went away. That exemption is all kinds of wrong, as law enforcement behavior certainly since George Floyd is full of racism, corruption and pro-fascist behavior.

Yeah. I understand that it's much more complicated in America than somewhere like Canada. It's basically the American way of life from the inception of your constitution (1789) and people hold fast to that idea. To me it appears the 18th century logic is to cut off your nose to spite your face. I've only owned a 22 caliber bolt action rifle that my uncle had passed along to me, but I have handled/used handguns, rifles, and shotguns when my GF (now Wife) and we took our FAC's (Firearm Acquisition Certificate) years ago before the laws changed here. I find that it's ridiculous, after the small amount of firearms training we received, that something as basic as that doesn't appear to even be on many States agendas. Canadians and many other countries have never seen or had to deal with the amount of extreme violence that's been happening in your country. Especially within the last 5 years or so. Allowing more guns without background checks and appropriate training, IMO, is far from the correct approach.
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So, by your logic if someone disagrees with you then you should be able to dictate their rights?
I don't think he said that or implied that.

Feeling sensitive/triggered much?

As far as your posts pertaining to Grandmothers shooting intruders or this ONE individual being in a circumstance that yes, being armed was fortunate., how about the TENS OF THOUSANDS of casualties caused EVERY FUCKING YEAR by assholes with weapons.
They talk about gun violence in Chicago, do you know where all the guns come from because they have fuck-all gun laws , Missouri & Kentucky & Iowa.

You want to stop gun violence?


Get them off the fucking street.

You want to own an AR?
$10,000 tax please.
You git you gun, so all's good.

Caught with an unregistered firearm in the commission of a crime, 5 years Mandatory!!!!!
Discharging a weapon in a criminal activity, 10 years Mandatory!!!
Homicide = life/no parole/ever

Scare the fuck out of the criminals & do it.

Otherwise it ain't never gonna stop

(some Rec Centers/afterschool programs/job training might work also)

Is the right to bear arms worth it?

Ban assault weapons/high capacity magazines/bump stocks & all of that other useless shit simply designed to kill Humans.

Oh, and by the way I live in Newtown, CT, next door to Sandy Hook where actually a classmate of my step son shot & killed 20 infants basically & 6 teachers using a Colt AR-15 Bushmaster .223 only reloading once.

Fuck that

One last thing my friend, I was in the NRA for 8 years until that POS LaPierre destroyed it & it's true concept, sport hunting.

Now, just a bunch of assholes

Fucking shame
Yeah. I understand that it's much more complicated in America than somewhere like Canada. It's basically the American way of life from the inception of your constitution (1789) and people hold fast to that idea. To me it appears the 18th century logic is to cut off your nose to spite your face. I've only owned a 22 caliber bolt action rifle that my uncle had passed along to me, but I have handled/used handguns, rifles, and shotguns when my GF (now Wife) and I took our FAC's (Firearm Acquisition Certificate) years ago before the laws changed here. I find that it's ridiculous, after the small amount of firearms training we received, that something as basic as that doesn't appear to even be on many States agendas. Canadians and many other countries have never seen or had to deal with the amount of extreme violence that's been happening in your country. Especially within the last 5 years or so. Allowing more guns without background checks and appropriate training, IMO, is far from the correct approach.
I dont understand the bolded.
The Second Amendment came about as a mechanism to distribute power away from an elite with possibly authoritarian ambitions. Repealing or modifying it is politically impossible at this time. I blame the toxic use of “states’ rights”, which for all the framers’ good intentions was one of their really big fails.

It is also important to understand the language in its time. “Well-regulated” and “militia” mean something waay different in 2022 than in 1790. The second half is simpler, but Scotus has on various occasions see fit to conditionalize (infringe on, by any logic) our weapon rights/privileges.

Looking at the rise of armed bigots and mass shootings, I agree something has to be done. But first we need to deal with our radical-majority Scotus. That Thomas is not at least suspended is scandalous.
Looks like good guys were there with guns, he still killed 20 people, not just guns should be banned, body armor should be too, war is Hell, or should be. Fear dives it all, fear drives gun sales and body armor sales too, be afraid, be very afraid, but you too can be GI Joe, just like when ya were a kid.
Suspect was wearing body armor and crashed car before entering school, DPS says
From CNN's Anderson Cooper

A police vehicle is seen parked near the truck believed to belong to the shooting suspect.
A police vehicle is seen parked near the truck believed to belong to the shooting suspect. (Marco Bello/Reuters)

Texas Department of Public Safety Sgt. Erick Estrada told CNN's Anderson Cooper Tuesday there were two incidents involving the suspected gunman prior to the shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.
The first was the gunman shooting his grandmother, resulting in her being airlifted to a hospital, Estrada said.
The second incident was the suspect crashing a vehicle near the elementary school.
“The suspect did crash near a ditch nearby the school," Estrada said. "That’s where he exited his vehicle with what I believe was a rifle and that’s when he attempted to enter the school where he was engaged by law enforcement. Unfortunately, he was able to enter the premises and then from there that’s when he entered several classrooms and started shooting his firearm.”
Estrada went on to say the gunman was seen with a "long rifle and backpack." The gunman was also wearing body armor, Estrada said.
Estrada could not confirm what type of rifle the gunman had, but says the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is investigating.