Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

Unless we're talking about writing code in binary, sweeping statements is all we get. What it comes down to is whether or not we like it. If I say, "republicans are dumb", you won't mention sweeping statements, even though it's totally a sweeping statement. Plus, if you agree with it, then we're already up to roughly half the population, so how many more people need to be idiots before the statement becomes roughly true? I think 51% or better is good enough to make a sweeping statement, in which case, is republicans plus 1% of the other half of the country really a stretch?

And there are different tiers of better/worse people. If child A does something wrong and has their toy taken away and accepts it because they know they fucked up, but child B does something wrong and has their toy taken away and refuses to accept it because they think they're the most amazing thing ever created and will literally commit murder to keep their toy, which child do you think is worse and which child do you think is most closely aligned with Americans today?
Neither i think they’re both children and child number two childs parents a. Need parental coaching or b. They’re fucking shit and should be banned from conceiving
Nobody blamed video games . But put it all together, bad parenting, depressed children, hyper violent games revolving around killing and guns. What could go wrong.

I dont think NRA members make guns look as sexy as the movies and games that glorify them do. They may push their views but would the AR be as sexy if it wasn't in every Call of Duty type game?

Lots more where this came from. ;)


Scottsdale gun club
Times may change but we were raised as war children and now we have not enough of that left to remember much..............we are getting old.

What is justified and what is not. With gun in hand you instantly become a potential judge, jury and executioner....... just like in the video games and graphic films that promote it.

Whats a good Western without guns? A bad one. Ha
Westerns, for the most part are fiction........ we should learn and realize that on a political level. Or at least know the difference from a real documentary.

Perhaps a fundamental attitude adjustment toward the diff in right and wrong is in order. Life and death. That means compromise. That means everyone goes home a little disappointed but no gunplay results.

Thats real politics, no? We dont have that now that I can see on any significant level as a democratic nation of voters
I dont know one who could afford too. I stopped at one put in the parenting and work provided all they asked for and now they are completely independent of me at 21. A good hardworking law abiding citizen like it’s supposed to be so yes I have an ego you couldn’t scratch about that. Your welcome America
Doing what you're supposed to do shouldn't be enough to inflate an ego. Reminds me of that Chris Rock bit, "people always bragging about things you're *supposed to do*...".
Lots more where this came from. ;)

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Scottsdale gun club
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I'm not surprised they'd have their own game but at least it looks like it's a target oriented one and not a first person shooter game. The NRA endorses something like that and it would be an entirely different story.
A gun club to me means , hopefully they're learning the proper way to shoot and handle guns. But yes, promoting guns at the same time.

Being ignorant about the NRA, of course I realize the impact they must have. But they arent infiltrating homes and reaching 10's of thousands( millions more like it) like xbox/playstation games.

Berman presses Texas official: Fathers were willing to go in. Why were they stopped?
62,189 views May 26, 2022 Lt. Chris Olivarez, a spokesperson for the Texas Department of Public Safety, says "there was an immediate presence from law enforcement" at Robb Elementary School, but investigators are still trying to establish a full timeline for the mass shooting.
Doing what you're supposed to do shouldn't be enough to inflate an ego. Reminds me of that Chris Rock bit, "people always bragging about things you're *supposed to do*...".
Exactly my friend im saying people need to start doing what they’re supposed to. Im bragging because i have and it seems alot aren’t up to the challenge anymore
How did a unemployed 18 yo high school drop out living around the poverty line buy these assault weapons costing thousands?
Worked at Wendy's and saved his money, they've been getting raises lately. He had psychological issues and never showed up for school and failed to graduate. It wasn't a typical hate crime, just another nut case who murdered kids and never planned on living, unlike most of the hate crime shooters who tend to be white and give up to the cops. Why not, a burger is better than a bullet and if the victims are the right kind of people, the cops might take you for one, like Dylan Roof.