Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

Skinny punk. If you've seen the videos he's made it's obvious that he's a direct product of today's social media. What's ominous is that this freak had over 1000 followers on youtube and somehow nobody raised the alarm. That's probably because most of them are freaks just like him. They need to look into anyone that had subscribed to his channel. Rats congregate in packs. There's always more than just one.

I hear they have some very nasty prisons in Illinois. The rest of his life is going to be the hell he deserves. These punks always plan on going out in a blaze of glory but in the end most don't. They're all just cowards with a gun.

It was inevitable.

i have no idea who he killed, and neither did he. as a matter of fact, i doubt you do, either...
have they released the political affiliation of those he killed?
this was a 4th of july parade, not a riot

The community is heavily jewish and democratic. The killers father who is a trump cultist ran for mayor and only got 30% of the vote and was beaten by a democratic gun control candidate.