Yet another Addition of the chat room idiot


The russ0r
[10:51] * Justincolton49 ( has joined #rollitup
[10:51] <Brenton> cause i live n a cold ass place
[10:51] <YourLocal420> it is 3 degrees here now freakin heat wave
[10:52] <Justincolton49> i m try to figure out to get dat card do u know to apply to get one
[10:52] <Brenton> go to a hosipital
[10:52] <YourLocal420> what card
[10:52] <Justincolton49> a freakn medical card for marijuana
[10:52] <YourLocal420> OH
[10:52] <Justincolton49> how do qualify
[10:53] <Brenton> well first are u in a medical state?
[10:53] <YourLocal420> I want one
[10:53] <Justincolton49> iowa desmoines
[10:53] <Justincolton49> is dat one
[10:53] <YourLocal420> Iowa isnt MMJ
[10:53] <YourLocal420> very strict laws in Iowa
[10:53] * Moonbeam ( Quit (Quit:
[10:53] <YourLocal420> you get caught with anything its 3 to 5 yrs
[10:54] <Justincolton49> do u know wat state i can go to
[10:54] <YourLocal420> Michigan
[10:54] <YourLocal420> Colorado
[10:54] <Justincolton49> i know fucken fagget ass pigs
[10:54] <Brenton> any other state u have to be a resident
[10:54] <YourLocal420> I lived right across the river Justin
[10:54] <YourLocal420> In Omaha
[10:55] <Justincolton49> o okay i need one of does i smoke a half to an o a day
[10:55] <Justincolton49> an i need more an better grade a shit
[10:56] * yammerhammer ( has joined #rollitup
[10:56] <Justincolton49> wat is dat
[10:56] * Gr8fulGreen ( Quit (Quit: later..)
[10:56] <yammerhammer> what the hell happenend
[10:56] <yammerhammer> got booted
[10:57] <yammerhammer> did the whole room get dumped?
[10:57] <Justincolton49> a so des moines is in a drought right how bout yall down der
[10:57] * YourLocal420 ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:58] <Justincolton49> no i was doing somethang plus im try to get infor for dat
[10:58] <yammerhammer> I grow my own so I dont have to deal with a drought
[10:58] <Justincolton49> y everybody quiting
[10:58] <yammerhammer> the room dumped
[10:58] <Justincolton49> u should post some pics so i can see wat chu talk bout i
[10:58] * yammerhammer is now known as YourLocal420
[10:58] <Justincolton49> some one i know needs dat
[10:59] <Justincolton49> is it fire
[10:59] <YourLocal420> It is fire
[10:59] <Justincolton49> my unc goes down der all da time
[11:00] <Justincolton49> any body der
[11:00] <YourLocal420> yea Im here
[11:00] <Justincolton49> o so wher is da fire at
[11:00] <Justincolton49> i need hydro
[11:01] <YourLocal420> Do you even know what hydro is
[11:01] <Justincolton49> do u
[11:01] <YourLocal420> Yea I grow hydro
[11:01] <Justincolton49> of course i do
[11:01] <YourLocal420> Enlighten me then
[11:01] <Justincolton49> ok discribe how to get some frome u
[11:01] <YourLocal420> I dont sell weed
[11:02] <YourLocal420> I grow it
[11:02] <Justincolton49> im talkn bout smoken
[11:02] <Justincolton49> i dont fuck wit sellin it
[11:02] <YourLocal420> So I dont have to buy it from idiots that think 'dro is a slang term for good weed
[11:02] <Justincolton49> the way mothafuckas is sing like birds bout dat shit no im good
[11:02] <YourLocal420> Hydro is a way you grow weed
[11:03] <YourLocal420> !ud Hydro
[11:03] <TokeNTalk> [1/7] Hydroponically grown marijuana (Yo let's go blaze some hydro.)
[11:03] <Justincolton49> ight bet
[11:03] <Justincolton49> im from da chi an dat all we got up der so wat is u say n
[11:04] <Justincolton49> i started out smoken dro
[11:04] <YourLocal420> I am sayin how do you know its hydro
[11:04] <YourLocal420> did you see it grow
[11:04] <Justincolton49> dis wat chu do look me up on myspace
[11:04] <Justincolton49> an u ll see wat i got goin
[11:04] <YourLocal420> not all good weed is hydro
[11:05] <Justincolton49> cuz if u grown den check my shit
[11:05] <Justincolton49> i know
[11:05] <YourLocal420> cool
[11:05] <Justincolton49> some people say dey got it but it got seeds
[11:05] <YourLocal420> Still could be hydro
[11:05] <YourLocal420> just got pollinated by a male
[11:05] <Justincolton49> dro has no seeds no stems notthin
[11:05] <YourLocal420> bullshit
[11:06] <YourLocal420> Hydro means it is grown in water without soil
[11:06] <Justincolton49> i guess
[11:06] <YourLocal420> hold on Ill sho you hydro
[11:06] <Justincolton49> ight
[11:06] <Brenton> LOL
[11:06] <Brenton> wtf is juice
[11:06] <Brenton> are u kidding me?
[11:07] <Justincolton49> wat
[11:07] <Brenton> by dro u mean the weed that is grown in hydro
[11:07] <Brenton> dro is what u call hydroponic weed or 'good weed'
[11:07] <Brenton> dro has nothing to do with seeds and stems
[11:07] <Brenton> its just weed that is good
[11:08] <Justincolton49> no dat is fire
[11:08] <Brenton> wtf is fire
[11:08] <YourLocal420>
[11:08] <YourLocal420> click on the link this is hydro
[11:08] <YourLocal420> grown in water
[11:08] <Brenton> is that ur setup local?
[11:08] <YourLocal420> DWC
[11:08] <YourLocal420> I have bubble buckets now
[11:09] <Brenton> what size of res
[11:09] <YourLocal420>
[11:09] <YourLocal420> 8 gal in my tub
[11:09] <YourLocal420> I have 5 gal bubble buckets now
[11:09] <Brenton> damn thats what i want
[11:10] <Brenton> i have a 10gal tub
[11:10] <YourLocal420> cheap to build man
[11:11] <YourLocal420>
[11:11] <YourLocal420> those are my bubble buckets
[11:11] <YourLocal420> I put a drain and site guage on them
[11:12] <Brenton> nice
[11:12] <YourLocal420> so I can grow some 'dro lol
[11:12] <Brenton> well shit i g2g
[11:12] <Brenton> ill be back in a bit
[11:12] * Brenton ( Quit (Quit:
[11:12] <YourLocal420> later man
[11:13] <YourLocal420> ok whos on now
[11:14] <Justincolton49> me
[11:14] <YourLocal420> cool
[11:14] <Justincolton49> i know
[11:14] <YourLocal420> understand hydro now
[11:14] <Justincolton49> ya
[11:14] <YourLocal420> right on
[11:15] <YourLocal420> street terms and growers' terms are alot different
[11:15] <Justincolton49> look wat i m grown on my space look up
[11:15] <Justincolton49> ya i know now
[11:15] <Justincolton49> check it out doe
[11:15] <YourLocal420> that is an email address
[11:15] <Floydfanx6> gtfo
[11:15] * Floydfanx6 ( Quit ([] Local kill by russ0r (your wish is my command.))
[11:15] * Floydfanx6 ( has joined #rollitup
[11:15] <Floydfanx6> wtf
[11:15] <YourLocal420> thank god you are here FLOYD
[11:15] <Floydfanx6> stfu
[11:15] <Floydfanx6> sup sissy
[11:16] <Floydfanx6> nubes hurting yr head?
[11:16] <YourLocal420> oh shit
[11:16] <YourLocal420> like a motha fucka
[11:16] <YourLocal420> I am learning alot tho
[11:16] <YourLocal420> Hydro means no seeds or stems
[11:16] <Justincolton49> i guess
[11:16] <Justincolton49> if u say so
[11:17] <YourLocal420> what ever dude
[11:17] <YourLocal420> I cant check out your link if you give me an email address
[11:17] <YourLocal420> try giving me a web link
[11:18] <YourLocal420> is your email address dude
[11:18] <Justincolton49>
[11:18] <Justincolton49> try dat
[11:18] <Justincolton49> look at pics
[11:18] <YourLocal420> those are my pics dipshit
[11:19] <YourLocal420> I built that tub
[11:19] <Justincolton49> wat fuck u
[11:19] <Justincolton49> wat tub is u talkn bout
[11:20] <Justincolton49> u dont belive me fucke go suck a dick no homo
[11:20] * Justincolton49 ( Quit (Quit:
[11:20] <YourLocal420> what an idiot


Well-Known Member
That somehow reminds me of a discussion me and some friends had about where babies come from at the age of 9, his brother who was a year older than us, knew... but we didn't wanna believe him.


Chat room operator..ONLY!
Yea I am glad I had a part of the contribution....Thanks for the post russ0r you da man as always! ROFLMAO


Well-Known Member
I forget sometimes just how many idiots there are out there...surprised you took the time to even try and explain anything


Active Member
Funny dude, it's always amusing to stoke the fire when these soughts of people are on.
Unfortunately that entire conversation wasn't legible, I had trouble linking 2 sentences to the same subject hahaha