I've read through lots of posts and don't find anything about my concern.
I have had the Blumat stuff for a while now but just haven't used them. I recently started some seeds and when they didnt come up as expected I started a couple more. Lo and behold they all came up so I have 'extras' and decided to give the Blumat stuff a go since my DTW system is tied up.
I kept the seedlings in solo cups until they were ready to up pot and I put them in 1 gallon fabric pots with 70/30 coco/perlite. I set up the blumats according to Sustainable Villages video. One carrot per pot. I thoroughly soaked the coco like it would be after a feeding with my dtw system. I set the carrots to the hanging drop plus 1.5 triangles. My rez is 4 feet above the top of the pots.
My concern is: It's been 3 days now and I see no evidence that the carrots have turned on and fed the plants. The level in my rez looks like it hasn't dropped at all. How often should these things be cycling in coco/perlite?
I have had the Blumat stuff for a while now but just haven't used them. I recently started some seeds and when they didnt come up as expected I started a couple more. Lo and behold they all came up so I have 'extras' and decided to give the Blumat stuff a go since my DTW system is tied up.
I kept the seedlings in solo cups until they were ready to up pot and I put them in 1 gallon fabric pots with 70/30 coco/perlite. I set up the blumats according to Sustainable Villages video. One carrot per pot. I thoroughly soaked the coco like it would be after a feeding with my dtw system. I set the carrots to the hanging drop plus 1.5 triangles. My rez is 4 feet above the top of the pots.
My concern is: It's been 3 days now and I see no evidence that the carrots have turned on and fed the plants. The level in my rez looks like it hasn't dropped at all. How often should these things be cycling in coco/perlite?