***Yield Estimate


I try to get an idea before each harvest of how much I might yield. **VALID ANSWERS EARN REP** I know everyone wants to say that there are many factors and blah blah, but I have found many estimates from when I do this to be fairly accurate. The plant on the left is a White Widow X Amnesia. The plant on the right is OG X White Widow. The one on the left is about 2 weeks younger than the one on the right, and has also been topped during vegetation. So whatever dry weight you think I might yield please feel free to guess.



Well-Known Member
hey man. they look like at least an oz each. perhaps ull get lucky and pull 1.5 oz or 2oz off of one.
im thinking u will get between 3-5 ozs dried maybe like 10-12 ozs wet.


Well-Known Member
How long since these flipped to 12-12? The bud itself looks further along than the rest of the plant. If you are about 5 weeks in, I would think you are going to be under a zip per plant, if you are only 2-3 weeks into flowering than I would think you could get 1-1.5 per plant if things take off.


Well-Known Member
An ounce of each dry? Depends if your buds fatten up, what ever you yield, take positives from it, look at what you done anything you can improve on and use it in your next go.
Hope it goes smoothly mate.