Yield in Blasting/Purging vs Blasting/Winterizing/Purging


Active Member
Well, sadly, i don't have pics, and not being a super sciency guy, i'm not sure if i did this properly, but heres what i did.

Also please keep in mind and as im sure you know from my other posts, im pretty newb at this and still dont fully know what im doing. This is maybe run 10 or 11. Should change my forum name to Always_freaks_out_cuz_shit_in_the_vac_always_reacts_no_matter_what

I dried out some nice material, and set aside 30gs of it bone dry.

i packed 15 into a tube tighly, blasted it, water purged it, scraped, vac purged for not long till i thought it was done. Yielded around 2.2g

Did the exact same thing but when it was water bathing and there was still liquid left, i poured in some everclear. In the woodyoilmaker video when he does this, he has some cool reactions which i assume are butane evaporating. I had no reaction, at all. I stirred it, i let it sit at room temp and waited...i tried hot water bathing it... no reacting at all. Im not sure if i did something wrong or not, so i stuck it in the freezer. After around 24 hours i looked and sure enough there was floaty white crap. I filtered through 2 unbleached coffee filters and poured into a nogoo plate and allowed to evaporate at room temp. What i have left is golden/seethrough but a bit cloudy.

Im not sure if everything got filtered out or not, but this was my first real time trying to winterize - any advise is welcome.

Haven't dabbed the winterized stuff yet, waiting for tonight, and have tried the first run, and its decent but only ok.

final yields: blast/purge: 2.2g from 15g (14.6%)
blast/winterize: 1.8g from 15g (12%)

Why do my yields suck shit always lol

btw i froze the packed tubes and butane before blasting as always

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
What type of bud are you using? Those numbers are pretty perfect for decent outdoor buds. Also winterized is always a lower yield.


Active Member
Its some white widow x bigbud, at first i found it pretty dank, but i think im immune to it now. I'd rate it a 6.5/10 quality bud. Pics in my other thread


Well-Known Member
Don't evap any tane before adding ethanol, or everclear. Wait till there are no bubbles when stirred. This is when all butane is gone. Oh yeah add alcohol at a ratio of 1:2. 1 part alcohol to 2 parts butane. After butane vaps put in freezer for 24-48 hrs. Filter into pyrex then set out at room temp with fan blowing over pyrex till alcohol is gone. Transfer to vac and purge till solvent is gone. your problem is you don't know the difference between a "solvent" bubble and co2 bubbles. Solvent bubbles are not uniform and have a sheen on them. Like oil on water. Co2 bubbles are more uniform with no sheen.