

Well-Known Member
hey, i know yield is a relative thing, dependant on a whole lot of factors, plant, age, genes, enviroment etc. but i was just wanting to know how tall peoples plants where b4 flowerd, number of weeks of veg, final height at harvest, and yield... im just designing a new box and im trying to get a idea off how big i should get my gurls b4 i flower, what height they will finish etc so i can pull about a oz a plant... plants will be loli poped and probably toped... i want to design with that outcome in mind and design round what i want for final porduct.... any info would be choice.


Well-Known Member
You can expect a plant to 2x - 3x its size during flower.... as for yield thats hard to say..if you want google a seed bank ie attutude they'll tell you the estimated yields per strain... I'm doing auto snowryders now.. est. at 15 - 20 " tall a yield of 28 - 40g per plant....

I'd veg a plant to at least 15" before flowering so about 30 -45" at harvest... some start at 4-12" and harvest grams when maybe a couple of weeks more will yield on OZ +..

I'd try top one leave one and see which works better for you.. i do all different thing.. eggs in one basket shit...


Well-Known Member
I say yield depends on, in order of significance: genetics, care, light(environment).

As you obviously need the plant. Without it you got shit.

You need to take proper care of it!

Other factors in check, the plants(genetics) take care of themselves, but don't give you anywhere near the product of a cared for plant. They do not need a person taking care of them in the outdoors. But if you do... you reap significant benefits.

The difference between shwag and sinsemilla is care.


Well-Known Member
I say veg and veg some more! no matter the strain nor the genetics you will always, I say always get a bigger yield if you veg longer. I veg for 3 months or 24". and my best yeild was just over 7 oz. Oh and plant was fimed a few times and up to 3.5 feet.