Yikes - American's wealth down 40% with Obama


Well-Known Member
seriously guys, is Bush running again? I don't think I could take anymore.

even though what we have now is Bush on roids I promise I will not vote for George Bush for president. Who needs deficit spending, unfunded wars, unfunded social programs, expanding of executive powers (nice way of saying power grab) etc etc, not the US that's for damn sure.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I think Obama did come here in a cryo-capsule from 500 years ago to save us from extinction. The movie Idiocracy is a perfect analogy, but Obama is the one fixing shit.


Well-Known Member
I love how this is instantly a left/right thing. Goddamn pathetic, Republican or democrat they're both here to fuck us.
at least rawn pawl proudly says his plan is to let everything collapse.

the my lai approach: it became necessary to destroy the town in order to save it.