Here are the updates
PPM = 850 - 950 (I don't let it go over 950, they start showing nute burn)
PH = 5.5 - 5.8
GH Series Nutes
Current Flower =
Gro, Micro, Bloom, Kool Bloom, Floralicous Plus, Flora Nectar
Current Veg =
PPM - 650
Ph = 5.5 - 5.8
Nutes = Gro, Micro, Bloom, Super Thrive, Rapid Start, DM - Zone
Below is a little time line of the root rot. (This is a first for me). I added Zone and it seems to be helping.

What Roots Should look like:

And Zone being used for a few days:

Here is the Veg Room and Mom's (This is a few days Old):

Now Onto the Flower Room: