YO! Bob Zmuda check in

Another piece of advice, or a tip;

Do NOT make sure all is quiet 'for baby to sleep', or you'll train your baby to wake up at the slightest sound. Smartest thing we ever did was put her crib near the TV and leave it on.

She slept like a rock lol
yup newbies sleep through anything, its not until wayyyy older that people start waking up to sound

when we were moving from alaska we had a house full of movers packing up boxes and using packing tape which is extremely loud when theres like 10 of them doing it at the same time
baby sleep right through it lol
Well, welcome to the club Bob. I'll show you the secret handshake now....

yup newbies sleep through anything, its not until wayyyy older that people start waking up to sound

when we were moving from alaska we had a house full of movers packing up boxes and using packing tape which is extremely loud when theres like 10 of them doing it at the same time
baby sleep right through it lol

Mine did not. Any little sound and up they were. They were always so alert. We live out in the middle of nowhere so easy to keep house quiet but still. All mine were very sound sensitive.
We're all thinking bout you and yours @Bob Zmuda

It's not always easy knowing what to do with a newborn. I wish I saw this when I was a new dad. Good luck Bob!

Our last child was our fourth. My wife was high risk so we ended up having to go to a bigger city a couple hours away for a high risk obgyn. It was a c section and only planned to be there for about 3 days. We didn't have the other kids come up.

The nurses kept coming in showing and telling us "this how you do this and that." I finally asked the nurse why they were doing that. She told me they like to do that for new parents. I laughed and told her it was our fourth child. They didn't even bother us after that unless it was medicine time.
LOL the feeding: Jamming a turkey leg in its face
Hmm, it worked on me
Every one of our kids we started adding cereal to their bottles by a few months old. They sleep through the night like that. Every one of them on soft table foods by 6 months old.

I was at a buddies house and his dad started giving the baby mashed potatoes and mashed green beans off his plate. My buddy started to complain to his dad about it. His dad told him to shut up. He fed him that way and it wouldn't hurt his baby.
Enjoy this evening. You'll never get a good night's sleep again, lol
You can if you use the cereal as soon as possible.

My wife and I would alternate feedings. She didn't produce enough breast milk, she pumped and fed what she could. Figure they eat every three hours or so. I would take one then the wife. That way we could get at least six hours of uninterrupted sleep. Of course the first few days I did everything so she could heal.
Damn ya'll cervix won't dilate to where they want it.

May have to cut this thing out.

Can the husband have a valium IV drip please? :shock:
Don't look at her insides laying out everywhere if they do. It is an unusual site. I have a strong stomach and it made me a little weak in the knees.
Congrats on the baby Bob let me tell you something man it really isn't that hard it becomes like a routine. Everyone saying don't do this don't do that do it this way man that's just their way bro do what works for you. You don't need all that top of the line nonsense it's all the same really. I had my daughter when I was 19 man I was working 2 jobs totaling like 80 hours a week while putting my wife through college man and every second I was home I had my precious daughter in my arms man. All that baby really needs is food and love bro not the best crib, bottle, diapers, etc. money can buy just be there for the wifey and the baby when I was a baby there wasn't any video camera baby monitors ( even though there great and I had one for my kid) and I teethed on my father's zippo lighter and I'm still alive healthy and successful man. So to wrap this all up just enjoy this time and cherish every minute of it because soon enough the real scary part is here and that's the teenage years lol
The first 2 months for us it was all like "sleep baby, why are you so broken!?!?". Then after that she did sleep better. So sounds like you'll have a good month to count sheep. And gray hair.
its so weird cause they sleep so much but its like cat naps almost

you dont realize how tired you are after a month of waking up every 2 hours to feed a child for 40 minutes to sleep for like 27 seconds.
Our second one had colic on and off.

You talk about nerve wrecking. The only thing I can say is do like the purple crying dvd says. If it gets to be too much just lay baby down and take a break. I know it sounds mean but they learn to self soothe.

My sister-in-law said I was mean for doing it. Guess what though. All my kids sleep through the night and not one has wanted to sleep in our bed. Hers, on the other hand, are opposite. She has a couple that have to sleep with her.
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Congrats on the baby Bob let me tell you something man it really isn't that hard it becomes like a routine. Everyone saying don't do this don't do that do it this way man that's just their way bro do what works for you. You don't need all that top of the line nonsense it's all the same really. I had my daughter when I was 19 man I was working 2 jobs totaling like 80 hours a week while putting my wife through college man and every second I was home I had my precious daughter in my arms man. All that baby really needs is food and love bro not the best crib, bottle, diapers, etc. money can buy just be there for the wifey and the baby when I was a baby there wasn't any video camera baby monitors ( even though there great and I had one for my kid) and I teethed on my father's zippo lighter and I'm still alive healthy and successful man. So to wrap this all up just enjoy this time and cherish every minute of it because soon enough the real scary part is here and that's the teenage years lol
I completely agree, but there is also nothing wrong with giving your kids all the things you didn't have. It's one of my main goals in life. I try not to spoil them, but sometimes I just can't help it. Especially when it comes to my youngest, I give him everything he wants and then some. Most times, how big I'm smiling is based on how big they are smiling.

We slept with the baby in bed. Probably frowned upon these days but what ever. Sure made things easier for mom and myself. Baby needs tit, baby gets tit.
We did too, but I was always scared I was going to roll over on them! So you should have seen how I learned to sleep without moving and only taking up a very small portion of the edge of the bed. All while the baby had the whole damn bed spread out on lol
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