yo fellas


Active Member
hiya lads i been looking for a site like this for ages nicely done by the looks of it :)
quick question for soem of you season pro's

i have a few plant growing hydo at teh moment and i always belived that they had to be about 3ft b4 you start flowering them but readin through a few other posts it seems that that may not be the case, i think i have attached a pic here can anyone tell me how much more do they need to grow before they are ready to go on 12hrs dark :)



Active Member
You Can Flower Them Under 12/12 Whenever You Want...Just Make Sure You Have Their Height In Space Left So They Have Room To Flower...Grow Them As Big As You Can Because A Mature Plant Will Yield More.


Well-Known Member
it all depends on how much height you have

your plant will double in size maybe triple from when you put it into flower to harvest so whatever you have to work with divide that by three and thats how big you let it get