You are all going to laugh at me..

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
i really like this idea has anyone herd of it
it needs to be refined to many parts
should have either made the hole bigger
or made it keyhole shaped internerally the whole way through
that way you could pack it tight but still have an internal secondary tiny tube to pull the smoke
kindof like 2 tubes stacked ontop of each other with the second internal tube smaller but still linked to the other (Oo)
maybe fdd can make me one for the idea call it the crazy 8



Well-Known Member
dude, practice makes perfect. get a pack of papers and roll the same joint over and over again until you get it right.
that's how i learned, my friend sat me down with a pack of zags and about an ounce of trim.
i rolled the whole pack of zags out. now i am pretty good at rolling, i can roll preggers, straight or cones.
practice makes perfect, you'll feel it when you're doing it right.


Well-Known Member
Blunts are easier, IMO, get em nice and moist, and
they are real maleable. I started with original swisher
sweets, got the hang of it after about 3-4 tries, just
pile the crumbled herb in minus stems, because they
can be detrimental to the integrity of the blunt wrap.
Once the herb is in there you begin shaping it within
the wrap, lightly at first because it is very fluffy and
easy to mis handle, but once you have begun to make
it cylindrical you are able to begin pressing it firmer and firmer.
Now here is the tricky part, because you don't want it tooo
tight, or you won't be able to suck through,just get it to
a rollable shape, one which will be easy to roll, and then I
start at the mouth end, because it is the easist to get tight
and small, and then just work my way down, pinching, licking
rolling, unrolling and over and over until you achieve the final

lick and roll. Hope that helps.
Dude, u could not of described that better. I started with blunt rolling, and moved to joints. <<< started smoking dirt weed, needed more. Moved onto Bomb bud, needed less..:):)


Active Member
My pops taught me how to roll so i could roll his ciggs for him! sucked but it worked now i roll like a champ! no problems!


Active Member
yeah pretty much just practice, everyone sucks at the start!
one main thing is figuring out just how hard to press for tightness, i do it a little bit tighter than most people, making my doobs skinny and long , but just right and smoke sooooo nicely.
also, you'll find it easier if you have some nice indoor bud, thats not overly resinously sticky, but crystally sticky... if you know what i mean? lol
just practice :) bigger ones are easy. its when you can roll those pinners that you know youre good ;)


Well-Known Member
ok when you start you roll what we call fish belly's thats the start. Use tobaco to learn on.

The best part is most people can't roll worth a shit let alone with a filter too.

Spend the money on the tobacco, when done rip it open and start again. don't smoke it bad shit.

Word will get out you know how to roll with a filter and trust me people will find you and ask you to roll for them and you get to smoke it too.

Worked for me and always smoked for free at parties.





Active Member
i really like this idea has anyone herd of it
it needs to be refined to many parts
should have either made the hole bigger
or made it keyhole shaped internerally the whole way through
that way you could pack it tight but still have an internal secondary tiny tube to pull the smoke
kindof like 2 tubes stacked ontop of each other with the second internal tube smaller but still linked to the other (Oo)
maybe fdd can make me one for the idea call it the crazy 8


How are you going post a vid as awesome as that and not link us to where we get one? lol

No rep for you till you post a link. :P

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
It's all about making that paper as flush and tight as possible

When rolling it up pinch the loose sections together, and tightly pull the paper over the pinched part, that will make it tighter

I love nothing more than rolling a joint and smoking it, one of the best things imo