"You boys aren't going to grow weed are yah?"


Well-Known Member
yea.... i remember when i went to barnes and noble and borders to buy my hightimes or skunk mags and the cashier was like you know we got books on how to grow it too right? im like bitch, wtf???

my girl said i was tripping. i over exaggerated the situation.... or i was thinking too much about it. i dont think so!


Well-Known Member
I would've politely reminded her that she works at wal-mart, and walk away chuckling.

Seriously though, I would've asked to speak with her manager, explained to him the situation--that I was shopping for my agoraphobic and terminally ill grandmother and had a heinous accusation tossed at me in his store--and suggest that he comp my purchase in lieu of a civil action for slander. Then after he refunded my money I'd say to my buddy, "C'mon brother lets go grow some reefer!" and make my way casually exit, making sure I tell the cashier to enjoy her company health insurance and benefits on the way out.
ftw!!! :hump:


New Member
U should have put a big ass smile on ur face and then winked at her and said "Oh yeah baby...Oh yeah"

She would have been confused after that making it easy for u to escape.


Well-Known Member
I get confronted a lot about pot....prob. because I have to smoke a lot for pain and I may forget eye drops or cologne. But I always just say...ME??...oh no no...I tried that stuff back in college and it makes me sick to my stomach...I stick to beer. It has never failed to get their minds off it yet...try it it works.
GET OVER IT! i woulda said yeah! i growing i.ll come back in 3 mnths to get u stoned then you can show me that COOTER lol an if she,s a dog you can allways ask if she has a daughter people are not stupid i can usally spot another stoner a mile away besides she was probally lookin for a hookup on weed lol lol i like cooter lol


Well-Known Member
You wonder why she said it?
Are you about 20?

With a hippie.. and a big bag of soil?

It reminds me of the time I went shopping for a friend of mine.
He asked me to make him a growroom in exchange for a bit of cash so i went to my local hardware and gardening stores.

Tiedye shirt, baggy jeans, long hair, hadn't shaved in a while..

The dude at the counter at the garden center couldnt help but blurt it out "Is this for growing weed?"

To which i replied "do i look like a stoner?" with a big grin.

Don't be a stupid buyer, you might just attracted the wrong kind of attention. :)

peace and love for everyone!


Well-Known Member
I would have said, "Listen, slut. This organic soil is going to be used to cater my grandmas garden, who, by the way, is a paraplegic. Meaning I'LL have to do all of the work. so thanks for being a moron AND FUCK YOU!!!!"

then I'd knock some shit over and bounce.


Well-Known Member
I would have said, "Listen, slut. This organic soil is going to be used to cater my grandmas garden, who, by the way, is a paraplegic. Meaning I'LL have to do all of the work. so thanks for being a moron AND FUCK YOU!!!!"

then I'd knock some shit over and bounce.
* laughs like a plonker * lol listen slut !! :D



Well-Known Member
You wonder why she said it?
Are you about 20?

With a hippie.. and a big bag of soil?
So? There's a difference between being correct and being respectful.

Say a young, mid-twenties couple walks up to the register and discretely sets a big bottle of lube and a pack of trojan her pleasures on the counter.

"Ahh, trying anal tonight, are we?"

You don't think they have a right to be angry?


Well-Known Member
id ask her if she uses the same soil for her POT plants? and if so could you point me to a better soil for TOMATOES(or any other veg, herb, etc.) then id also knock shit over and bounce ;)
maybe say something along the lines of her being steps ahead of me in 'growing'... many good replies r posted tho


Well-Known Member
nah man after careful reconsideration this is what I'd do...

I'd laugh kindly after her blatant remarks. I'd say, "Hah, no. but that would be funny wouldn't it?" and laugh with her. then my face would just transform into an expression of unbelievable rage and I'd knock everything off of her counter and flip it over if possible. and run.


Well-Known Member
nah man after careful reconsideration this is what I'd do...

I'd laugh kindly after her blatant remarks. I'd say, "Hah, no. but that would be funny wouldn't it?" and laugh with her. then my face would just transform into an expression of unbelievable rage and I'd knock everything off of her counter and flip it over if possible. and run.

fucking skido!~


Well-Known Member
nah man after careful reconsideration this is what I'd do...

I'd laugh kindly after her blatant remarks. I'd say, "Hah, no. but that would be funny wouldn't it?" and laugh with her. then my face would just transform into an expression of unbelievable rage and I'd knock everything off of her counter and flip it over if possible. and run.
I'm pretty sure i just pissed myself.