You may want to resterilize. Things don't like to stay sterile, nature abhors a vacuum and all that.
I made a bunch of shakeable LC lids. 1 self-sealing RTV hole. A piece of very flexible aquarium tubing in the other other hole, stuffed with polyfill.
I PCed with clamps on the tube, blocking air most of the air (but not all) on the top and bottom of the polyfill area. Bad move.
The clamps cut through the tubes, pulled it off, and left a gaping hole exposed to the air over the PCed corn.
Since I PC a bunch of jars in a "run", and accumulate them for a few days before noccing up, I left those jars in my "clean" (all ozone, all the time, 16 sq feet of shelving and a small table behind a plastic wall) area.
A week later I look at them. Nothing. No growth. I take it out and examine and smell. Smells like it just came out of the PC, a bit of corn and that's it.
I'm going to leave a jar fully open in the area while I am doing GLC noc-ups. I want to see if anything falls in and starts growing or if I can relax a bit on my G2G transfers.
Hey, I just got an All American 1915x on Craig's list for $75. Used 4 times, perfect condition.
Hot shit (literally)!