Well-Known Member
and lockout when adding nutes later
In most cases yes because the roots will absorb excess moisture and prevent oxygen deprivation. When no roots are present and you are constantly watering the medium it will promote pathogens and provide lower than ideal oxygen levels.So it's conclusive then? You can water a well established plant in Coco as much as wanted but it drowns baby plants. Makes sense...
Water contains dissolved oxygen and the levels will diminish over time from the roots absorbing it causing the root system to be deprived of oxygen and anaerobic bacteria to take over. Hence why DWC or aero cloners can grow a plant full-cycle due to the addition of oxygen.anyone ever put a seed in a cup of water at the start of germination and have root formation? if so why wouldn't if continue to grow? (minus support for plant mass)
Another variable.
"If the growing media has to many fine particles within it, the fine particles will fill up the spaces between the larger particles and thus root rot may occur."
Yeah the coco is of inferior quality - brick type - from Amazon. I had to wash it manually, then buffer it afterwards and rinse again. The tapwater is of good quality for plants - just about right in Ca + S, very little Na Cl, I add Epsom a bit gradually later. Run several tests with RO, too, or with fertilizer. Tested so much more, I mean it's so quick to do and a week waiting your just much wiser... watered sprouts with RO, Tap, RO+CalMag, Tap+CalMag, or with min. fertilizer up to EC 2.5 - IT DOESN'T MATTER - all seeds will grow fine (*) with said water or fert solution.
The minerals in my tap are not fully bio-ready, plus the cocos inherent ability to steal that. An over-fert in that not really thinkably, plus I have tested how high one can go with additional mineralic CalMag, and there's quite some tolerance for these initial feeds. You have to realize a young sprout is fully loaded with growth hormones and absorbs to grow - esp. the non-retranslocatably Ca, which it needs constant passive supply.
Used H2O2 on the last rinse, a day before the plant, only on the shown hydro/soilless tray.
Few years ago had a bag of Biobizz Cocos and it was no dusty at all, the particles bigger, and ready-to-use. So you all think it's the space in between the individual coco's scraps which should offer the roots some space to breath? And that the plant first needs to swallow some of the freshly replenished water in order for atmospheric O2 to return? Then it would be not much different principally than soil.
Yeah I've tested how swift these seeds die when being sprouted under water - very quick - the nut doesn't even open fully it's already dead - drowned from lack of gas exchange. Some opened right after 30mins but how long it took for them to drown I can't say. Think hours. Most plant roots cannot tolerate a full soak too long - although there ARE special plants - take rice for an example, rice roots embedd lots of Silica in their outer cellwalls and this shields them from the rot. But cannabis doesn't belong to this category of plants.
better: at least, not die
Me to #2 but yes your right it's pot #1 that's the premium, I can't understand how it's the premium that has that dusty/muddy stuff it's the opposite of what I've read makes good coco?Pot #1?
Pot #2 is my kinda coco. Less fines and dust.
Thats what I've learned by trial and error.Me to #2 but yes your right it's pot #1 that's the premium, I can't understand how it's the premium that has that dusty/muddy stuff it's the opposite of what I've read makes good coco?