YOU GOT TO SEE THIS! 2 INCH, 4 MONTH old autoplant. Now What??


Active Member
I am having the same problem but with just reg seeds they r over a month and r only 4in....everyone has told me I have good soil so I dnt get what it could b and it sounds like yuh got soil down too mayb it's just bad gens like they said


I transplanted all three plants today, from 5 gal pots to 1 gal pots. The bigger one that started flowering, began to wilt a little. I'll wait till tomorrow to see how it turns out; I had nothing to lose I had to do what I had to do. The two smaller ones roots was so small it just wasn't growing in the 5 gallons of soil for some reason, I'll post pictures tommorrow. Seeing we got all the jokes out, all of you guys who have all these mr. ganja points and such, if you are going to comment, leave me something useful, a little advice, I would appreciate it. Thanks


I don't think so. Because I started 3 together indoors under the same conditions, where heat was getting a little out of control, for most of their life. All in the same kind of soil, that I believe is good but I haven't used it for over a year. It was organic soil, so I'm thinking the NPK nutrients could have weakened in the soil. Because all three growth was stunted, from different strains. I have 2 new ones which I started in the same indoor closet, with a slight better way to control the heat; mixed the new moist soil with continuous release fertilizer, with the old soil and they look great, one Nirvana masterkush is doing beyond expectation. I think it was the soil. Because when I transplanted them, the roots was so short, they no where near had grown through the soil.


Well-Known Member nutrients until you plant ask for it.....seedlings don't need any nutrients especially if the soil you started with had nutrients......they are green because they have plenty nutrients.....they are locked up because you over dosed them and transplanted outdoors,you need to slowly transition your indoor plants outdoor.....& your plant will show signs of deficiencies when it needs nutrients....yes some strains can still grow healthy when you over dose them with nutrients but some strains just can't,that's why your indoors are thriving,they were able to handle it.....and they we not thrown outdoors from low intensity cfls to the sun.....also I would advice starting your seedlings in smaller containers with a seed starter mix,then transplant into bigger container with nutrient rich soil.......and what are your outdoor temps??


Member nutrients until you plant ask for it.....seedlings don't need any nutrients especially if the soil you started with had nutrients......they are green because they have plenty nutrients.....they are locked up because you over dosed them and transplanted outdoors,you need to slowly transition your indoor plants outdoor.....& your plant will show signs of deficiencies when it needs nutrients....yes some strains can still grow healthy when you over dose them with nutrients but some strains just can't,that's why your indoors are thriving,they were able to handle it.....and they we not thrown outdoors from low intensity cfls to the sun.....also I would advice starting your seedlings in smaller containers with a seed starter mix,then transplant into bigger container with nutrient rich soil.......and what are your outdoor temps??
Overdosed them with what? I never added any nutrients before moving them outside. They were growing tiny indoors which is why I decided to put them outside and they actually began to grow better. The smaller plant looked like a 5 day old seedling at three weeks with only two sets of leaves that just wasn't growing. The temps outdoors is pretty good right now, like 85 high and like 67 low.


Here are the updated pictures after the transplant yesterday. They seem to have recovered. I did use 1/2 recommended dose of organic fertilizer, with a few drops of superthrive per quart.


There is a picture of the bigger one I told you about, but it's still is a runt, it is a Short Stuff Onyx. It's been showing flowering for a week, I haven't given it any flowering nutes yet. Since I decided to transplant this one too, I decided to wait till next week to give it flowering nutes. The other is a Short Stuff Blue Himalaya. If I get more growth, I'll update with some more pictures. This ought to be interesting. Hey, I want my babies to live, if I get a blunt between the two smallest ones so be it. They still supposedly have about 6 more weeks left, they might grow somemore. I won't pull it till its finished.


Well-Known Member
dude thats time i checked u need something called dirt..its black..comes in all sort of bags .. heck its even in the ground...but not there!
if you read his original post he said he dug a hole in the ground and put the bucket in the hole then covered it up.

gotta love people who only read 1/2 the post (or none at all) and just look at the picture and think they know whats going on.


Well-Known Member
Overdosed them with what? I never added any nutrients before moving them outside. They were growing tiny indoors which is why I decided to put them outside and they actually began to grow better. The smaller plant looked like a 5 day old seedling at three weeks with only two sets of leaves that just wasn't growing. The temps outdoors is pretty good right now, like 85 high and like 67 low.
You said you gave them 1/2 dose when you moved them outside you showed some pictures of some runts,but take my advise or leave it.......I don't give my soil plants any nutrients at all until they show slight signs of deficiencies..........just plain RO water with a little cal mag plus....thats it for a month or so until transplant......this pic below I gave them 1 dose of .6 ec @ .5 conversion which is about 300 ppm because I didn't transplant soon enough,(it was in a 3/4 gallon pot)....your plants shouldn't need any nutrients at all yet even the bigger one....your soil should have enough to get them by......

edit...and I see you added another 1/2 dose again after transplant bad idea :?



Well-Known Member
LOL - GOOD ONE - I can't belive that many people fell for it. I hate to be the one to spill the BEANS (pun intended), but that is NOT even marijuana. LOLOLOLOLOLOL


Active Member
lmfao this is a funny thread...
but really, now that you've got them in smaller pots and outa the ground, just leave them be dont touch them the less you do the better....don't love them to death
really i think auto flowering strains being back crossed with the Ruderalis geno, you end up with a few mutants out of the batch of seeds, that have too much Rudi gene and just stunt, dont for proper node spacing, or dont vegetate long enough to produce more than a couple grams....
either way it goes good luck sir, and thanks for the entertainment everybody else!