You have the right to stay out of jail

Its good that people like Winterwoman care enough to try & educate others as to their rights but personal rights or property dont mean shit to a cop , im from Detroit & asking a cop if your free to leave will instantly get you yanked out of the car & handcuffed , any questions posed to the cop like why are you handcuffing me will be treated as resisting arrest & you'll get a swift knee to the nuts, then while your laying in the street saying owe my balls you get a taser to the neck, because you rolling around from the drop kick to the nuts is seen as further resistance , thats real world .

The 1st thing kids need to know is there is nothing you can say to keep from going to jail if they want to take you so shut the fuk up at all times.two yrs ago my son found out the hard way & got 2 front teeth knocked out & tazered for asking a cop why he was being detained , asking cops any questions only makes them suspicious or enrages them .

I'm from Detroit, Clarkston actually, I worked in Eastern Market and it depends on how you do it. I've never had a problem with the police, but I'm not aggressive. But, my best friend has spent more than one night in Detroit lock up for being excessive on the 'I know my rights' lecture.

Edit: Annie always gives the best advice.