You know what i hate the most about growing!

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i agree. i've had to come up with all sorts of creative crap to keep cords out of the way. cable ties are my friend.


Well-Known Member
i laymylar on the floor and put em under it through holes or w/eva
u can garuntee u spend hrs painstkingly typing em up with wraps making it look neat and profesional then u realise uve gotta move some shit or w/eva lol

Trich Fiend

New Member
i hate drying and curing times. nothing to do but just wait. at least when the plants are growing you can check the soil, feed, trim some leaves, etc... waiting for them to dry in a dark room just sucks. :bigjoint:


Active Member
i hate drying and curing times. nothing to do but just wait. at least when the plants are growing you can check the soil, feed, trim some leaves, etc... waiting for them to dry in a dark room just sucks. :bigjoint:

i hated that but then i made another when i harvest new plants go in the next day... i always have something to do lol


Well-Known Member
or when they are getting too sticky to use and you just dont want to clean em anymore and wish you just had a new far as the cords go though thats why you plan out your set up reallllly well in a way that nothing will have to move....but still i feel your pain seems like no matter what something is always being added or subtracted


Well-Known Member
yeh trimming deffo suks ass ,but not as much as waiting for that day its finally dry enough to sit bak relax and take a good long tooookeeee!!!!ooyyy yeh baby!


Active Member
I cook up the trimmens whilst I'm waiten mate. Those days are a ways away for me now though


Active Member
YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE MORE THEN ANYTHIING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this happend to me yesterday :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( light fell....pissed is not the word for it....beyond pissed!!!!and please dont ask if it fell on my plants...were else would it fall shit dont fall sidewase inless ur on meth....but i must say the loss could of been wayYYYYYYYYYYYyy more...light didnt blow (thank god!)...and only 6 branches broke.... out of 50 (6/50) ...i got lucky cuz one strap broke on the theft side so it swung vertical hanging from on strap then it droped between the bad luck that it broke and fell...good luck that i was sitting right out side the room and heard it fall so amedite action could be taken lol....PS sry bout the miss spells im on my phone and its a pain in the ass to correct :)


Well-Known Member
thats one thing that i will never have to worry about....i use chain, clamp it shut impossible for the light to fall and can be bought at any hardware store in any length


Active Member
i use chain also....its the nylon strap that connects to the cooltube broke...chains will scrach the tube. and its glass so i cant drill into it...its all good...some ducktape around the new...stronger straps i just bought should do the trick