you know what? im tierd of this shit!


Active Member
man i hate to say my dad understood because that man was in vietnam stationed in thailand after the war and told me stories about buddah... but quick story short. that man caught me doing so many drugs. and every hangover i had he always told me did i learn my lesson. and thats the main reason i stuck with cannabis. no hangover can smoke all day. and help me relax.

im angry at the government because we cant have the chocie to choose what we want except for them telling us what we can and cannot do=/ i bitch about how if u take everyone from congress or even senators ect. and tell me that majority of them r toking up right now. laughing.
just nothing we can really do except wait.
yeah im starting to understand that but it just pisss me off to bad.


Active Member
as best said by Kottonmouth Kings, " You know, sometimes its a little confusin to me...all these people sittin' on their high horses...lookin' down us for smokin a plant, growin a plant. Well I believe in Natures Laws...and I just want to be Free."