You Know your Smoking on Some Good Shit when...


Well-Known Member
My husband and I take trips on our motorcycle. We were once riding to Tennesee. I love being stoned on the back of a bike going 80 MPH I find its very meditative. Anyway, we were driving through TN and I kept seeing these cows grazing on VERY steep hills. Theres nothing else to do back there but look at the scenery and think. Let your mind wander...
I said "wow look at those Tennesee Hill Cows."
He said "yeah they breed um special down here."
I said "yeah two legs are shorter on one side."
He said "the only problem is...."
I said "every time they turn around they fall down!!"

We still laugh about it!


Active Member
when your getting killed on COD and you have cold blooded and ninja pro on and motherfuckers are just coming out of the blue and kill you

when your talking to your friend over the headset and you start trippin when you can't find the controller and then you realize as you look beside you and it's all of a sudden their when it wasn't their awhile ago


Active Member
I was high, and the sound of the wind influenced me to remember a live concert, felt like it to word for word.


Well-Known Member
when you spend what seems to be little time here,,,and then realize you been here for 5-6 hours,,,,and your supposed to pick your wife up at the subway,,,,,,,,,,5 minutes ago,,,,,be back soon,,,love ya all


Well-Known Member
Got baked before heading to my buddy's house the other night for poker, do it twice a week. One exit down the pike. Got on the on ramp, next thing I know I'm going...where the fuck am I? Took a hundred yards to remember where I was, where I was going.