Well-Known Member
You know your a stoner if... you forget where you hide your "secret stash" when you run out.
You know your a stoner when your snack budget is higher than your grocery budget.
If you've got an ashtray in yr living room,your bedroom,beside the bath and the kitchen all with partially smoked j's in them and you're so busy rolling another one that you've forgotten about all the other ones that you 'laid down' to do summat stoopid like make 8 nutella sandwiches..............just everyday life in me and my good ladies know it's bad when between 4 ashtrays thers' 12 to 13 unsmoked Bifters in them an yr rollin another one! Who said it affects your short term memory.......load of loose stool water!
You have a glass collection valued at the price of a used car...........