You Know You're a Stoner if....

If you have local kids show up on your doorstep selling overpriced fundraising chocolates and you buy all they have remaining for double you could get them at the supermarket

Just happened to me about 5hrs ago
If you've got an ashtray in yr living room,your bedroom,beside the bath and the kitchen all with partially smoked j's in them and you're so busy rolling another one that you've forgotten about all the other ones that you 'laid down' to do summat stoopid like make 8 nutella sandwiches..............just everyday life in me and my good ladies know it's bad when between 4 ashtrays thers' 12 to 13 unsmoked Bifters in them an yr rollin another one! Who said it affects your short term memory.......load of loose stool water!
If you've got an ashtray in yr living room,your bedroom,beside the bath and the kitchen all with partially smoked j's in them and you're so busy rolling another one that you've forgotten about all the other ones that you 'laid down' to do summat stoopid like make 8 nutella sandwiches..............just everyday life in me and my good ladies know it's bad when between 4 ashtrays thers' 12 to 13 unsmoked Bifters in them an yr rollin another one! Who said it affects your short term memory.......load of loose stool water!


when you have bowls (eating bowls) everywhere filled with ashes and still manage to look for your fucking ashtray....
if you get a job just to buy weed
if you have an account on riu
if your one of those people that draw marijuana fan leaves on bathroom walls
U begin ur work day after a wake and bake and breakfast at a local diner. Read the paper, post a few diddies on RIU and before u know it it's time for my 10:00 break... I'm a slacker
when you dont have look at your joint when your pulling your joint to see if your joint is burning no more
when you dont have to smoke cigs no more to get high with your schwag weed lol growers know what im talking bout :)
when you get blazjed just to write a good you know if your a stoner joke
When you have a massive roach collection and never time to smoke it cuz you always have bud. Or when your eyes are always so red that whenever people see you sober and white eyed they ask if your ok.
best thing I ever saw was my old neighbor, was a nice guy but a TOTAL stoner. He stopped by one night to catch a buzz and his wife was with him. We smoked a bit and she had to leave, maybe an hour later (after she had left) he looks around dumbfounded and asks me, "where'd Cheryl go?" maybe one of those you had to be there things but at the time it was hilarious.