You might be a grower if. . .


Well-Known Member
You might be a grower if ALL you ever do is stay on RIU, and tend to your garden, and dream of big, resinous buds every night...

no clue

Well-Known Member
If you think about the status of your plants rather than count sheep when trying to go to sleep.


Well-Known Member
U might be a grower if, when u think of SEX the first things to pop into ur mind are a beautiful pair of pistils.


If u go for a job interview and u are told that u smell like pot...this actually happened to a good friend of mine.


Well-Known Member
You might be a grower if. . . You steal the water bed out of the motel 6 and make a flood table out of it.


Active Member
you might be a grower if... you use your HID lamp(or spare) to cure your ding repairs on your surfboards on a rainy day

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
You might be a grower if you suddenly find yourself discussing the color spectrum of different types of bulbs with your coworkers.


Active Member
if you can spot 20 growers in homedepot within 5 minutes. (god its hard not to spot someone who has all the makings for a diy hydro system in their cart)


Well-Known Member
You might be a grower if you find yourself at the 99 cent store with a shopping basket full of plant snips (trimming scissors)...I did this today!


Well-Known Member
You might be a grower if..........

ALL trees and bushes resemble mj plants.

You might be a grower if..........

Every jar you see may possibly turn into a cure jar.