You women!!!!!


Well-Known Member
What did u do this time luv?

No RIU has shown which of the sexes needs and causes all the drama ;)
I'm confused. I mean it's obviously the females since males just laugh it all off. The reason I'm confused is because I figured you would be on the female side. Not that any of this matters lol. :).
I'll start by saying your stupid to challenge me!!!!
Umm. Beat your chest when you say that. It provides for a better picture. Besides I'm your huckleberry :lol: By your posting, she must have fell asleep on you again, leaving you with you and your hand for entertainment. U will be all right. Go to sleep.


Well-Known Member
This is a love thread, so fuck the fuck off if your not into it...... throw your panties on the stage!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I hope you don't taste like olives... they're gross. What I just said was entirely gross...

Anyway, gentle with her heart now or she'll crack those nuts. Now I need pecans.


Well-Known Member
Vodka, papa ,time for bong load......
I'll be loading super lemon haze with a sprinkle of headband hash.... see ya all in a few.