Well-Known Member
Well I'm about 5 weeks into flowering
on the top Buds I would say maybe 5% of the trichomes are turning amber and the rest milky.
I do not see many clear.
maybe 8-10% orange hairs
I find this very mysterious.
They are clearly too young atm other then the top buds, the lower ones aren't even larger then a fingernail.
I guess I will just keep pressing on, but this really has me confused on when to pick...


Active Member
My guess would be you are fondling the crap outa them, or they got bumped when you are moving them around.They will turn amber from that.Look at it like me hitting you in the arm with a hammer-you will have a bruise.


Active Member
The microscope should come only after the very obvious signs that the plants are ready to be harvested.

1.) Pointy white hairs on non-foxtail growth? Don't bother checking (Weeks 1-6)
2.) White hairs hairs appear to be "folding in" on each calyx? Getting there. (Weeks 7-9)
3.) Original hairs enclosed by the calyx growth? Start checking. (Weeks 10+)

Don't confuse "foxtails" for the original growth of the bud.

While cannabis will only accept pollen from other cannabis plants, the white hairs still have the natural reflex of dying/turn orange when contaminates are introduced. Whenever you touch a bud you may find that it's giving off the illusion that it's become ripe based off the fact that you gave it false hope that it was being pollinated. Typically when a calyx is pollinated the hairs of the calyx have already completed their purpose in life to catch the pollen and die off (hence the reason why they falsely turn orange).