young flowering


Well-Known Member
my clone is 7" tall and im not sure how old it is. pretty young tho i think. i got this plant from a buddy a couple weeks ago and started taking care of it ever since. when i first got the plant i had no idea wat i was doing so i had it on a 12/12 light schedule and now also realize that ive had warm (red spectrum) lights on it the whole time. now its starting to flower and its doing so alot earlier than i would have wanted. theres no chance i could start a new light schedule and give it more light and cool (blue spectrum) lighting to postpone the flowering and continue with the veg could I ???



Well-Known Member
if you want to veg it for longer, just throw it back on 24/0 and it will totally revert in a couple to a few weeks while continuing growth.

flowering will take 8-12 weeks. the plant will double to triple its size after you begin flowering, so you should consider your height restrictions.


Well-Known Member
true say... ill just let her flower then if shell grow that much. just wondering.. if she grows that much more, approx. how much bud you think i could get off that puppy?? if its even possible to tell.


Well-Known Member
If you haven't already changed the light cycle, I wouldn't. A plant that size will do fine under cfls. If you have a hps on standby, revert to veg.


Well-Known Member
I'd bet it's a female and what you're confusing for a ball is just new growth. Pollen sacks generally don't begin growth inside nodes like that.


Well-Known Member
dont scare me like that. i dont think its a male. but thats kinda just cuz i dont want it to be. this is my first plant so im not really sure. ill post some pics in a day or two and let me know if anyone finds god proof its a male.