Young ladies having problems!


New Member
Hi I am a new grower and I am having a few problems with my ladies. They are almost 3weeks old and are looking fine overall but a few days ago the lower leaves started yellowing and today one of them has small brown spots. They are grown in cactus soil I am using tap water no perlyte but I am getting some when I transplant them into bigger pots. They are outdoor grow plants and will be transfered outdoors in less then 2weeks when the weather gets better during the night. I water like every 3-4 days depending on the days. I watered more often these days but just because the days were really hot with alot of sun with temperature at like 26C+ all day long no clouds no nothing. Here are some pictures and if you nee some aditional information please ask. Ty. On a side not I have no ph meter... : /.

Also I did overwattered them in their early days and even killed one of my ladies because of that but I have learned my lesson an I think I am doing fine now.
Edit: Anyways I am probably thinking tht the reason of my problems is the ph of my water but since I have no means of knowing the ph of it is there any solution of getting my hands on some right ph water? Like filtered water? or disstilated one? Or rain water but since rain water picks alot of stuff while falling down it might not be as neatrual as it should be. Also have a well in my yard its like 15meteres deep and. The country I am growing in if anyone is currios is Lithuania(East Europe :)) We have huge water reserves underneath our feet and our tap water is really good but again the ph might be off : /


Well-Known Member
hungry , you have leached all the food out of the soil , repot into something much bigger and give them a light feed of something high in nitrogen ( N )


New Member
Ty for the advice! I see where u are comming from and I suppose you might be right but 2days ago I did give em some nutrients with water well it was rooting hormones of some sort that had some nutes in it the NPK values were (4-10-3) I believe but I did give em about a third of its strenght. The rooting hormones accoarding to the bottle are used before transplanting to help relieve the stress of the transplant. I will wait for more input and if no one has any better ideas I will repot them into bigger pots wich I just found( they are clay ones not plastic though my friend says that is even better.) and will use some nutes I have lying around.


Well-Known Member
4-10-3 is very low in potassium and too high in phosphate. For veg, something with the ratio 1-1-1 or 3-2-3 would work great. Also... It's rooting hormone. lol


Well-Known Member

rooting hormone is not what your after fella , real and proper plant food or if yourbroke then tomato food will keep them going until flower , 4/10/3 is useless , in veg you want a higher N value ( the first number )

another thing is use plastic pots , clay pots are porous , water evaporates out of the sides slowly leaving behind salts ( plant food ) which when you water once more dilutes this , this means the plants now swimming in food which doesnt do the roots any favours

final thing , once a leaf turns to shit it doesnt recover so the yellow leaves will die off in time regardless , you will only see recovery in new growth


New Member
Alright then Ill see what I can dig up in my home. I saw some other nutes but again they are high in P not N : /. Also I guess since my ladies arent that big yet I should use a less strong mxture of nutes. Also last question. I have a few choises of water I can use. First tap water. Second is well water third is rain water and the last one is disstilated water. Wich should I go for? :)
Yeah sad about the leaves : / But still they are just the bottom ones so they would have died of eventualy anyways and the new growth comming out seems to be doing well.


New Member
wondering if i could transplant a 1 inch seeding in a different soil. have in mg time release and dont think its gonna work its getting taller but leaves not growing. noob here cant ya tell lol


Well-Known Member
wondering if i could transplant a 1 inch seeding in a different soil. have in mg time release and dont think its gonna work its getting taller but leaves not growing. noob here cant ya tell lol
damp it and turn it upside down and it will happiuly slide out with the roots unmolested , easy to do

M/G is not great for our needs , best way of putting it is theres food in the soil that creates little bubbles of hot spots , the roots hit this and turn to crap as its simply too strong for them , this in turn can create allsorts which arnt easy to sort out , with a healthy 1 foot plant to soils ok ( still not great , better to feed when you want and with the quantitys you decide ) but for babys simply compost will do the job , nothing special is needed