Young Leaf Problem


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone...I was searching the threads for an answer but I guess I didnt have the right combo of words bc I couldn't find the problem chart with the pics...but basically I have one week old plants that are under a 1000w lamp..these things have been producing leaves very well as I am on my 3rd or 4th node..but today I went in the grow room and noticed a couple leaves on a couple of the plants had curled upward but arent yellow and they all still look healthy...could this be the dreaded problem of heat?? I have my light about 2 1/2ft away and two 14in oscillating fans...Doesn't look like anything nute wise as their is no discoloration or mutations or anything just leaves slightly curled up..any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Hey Knowm...I havent been pHing the water on the regular but I'm using tap water(think I read somewhere here said tap was around usually 7) thats been sitting out 24hrs and fox farm which they say all their liquid ferts are pH balanced to like 6-7range...I havent actually used them except VeRy small doses of the big bloom...I'm going to attempt to get a pic posted but the camera is shitty and doesn't like to work(kills bat. in20min at times)


Well-Known Member
Damn battery was dead before I could kill it...when you said POINT up knowm did you mean like reaching for the light kinda point or edges pointed up??? any diagnosis w/o a pic


Well-Known Member
On the schedule they have it uses the big bloom through out the whole growth as a root healer and good over health...I dont believe there old enough to start with the grow big yet

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Point the fan at the light fixture.. or any way that BLOWs the heat up and away from your plants... Your plants should always be moving.. even if just a TINY TONY amount.. this movement lets you know that you have airflow.

YES PH your water.... no matter what....
