Young pistils red on the top?


Well-Known Member
I have a question, I have been flowering this auto ak-47 for around 15 days now.

I have a few pistils.. I think only 4 but they are red on the ends. Could this be some kind of nute burn or heat stress?

It has been getting hot but I try to keep
it as cool as possible. I run one box fan on either end of my ballast and a small one inside.

It sits between the plants blowing cool air from the floor up to the lights.

It did get up to around 90 degrees farenheit but I use a T5 high output flouro so the light doesn't get hot. Burns are out of the question.

Help Please?

Ill try to get some better pics tommorow my camera's battery died.



Was there an outcome on this? This has happened to mine and was told turning Hermy then 3 male sacs popped out that i have removed.


Well-Known Member
If the pistols on a plant start to coulour realy early during flowering then just lower the nutrients for a while and increase the a little at a time.........................................................tyke.........................................................................................