Young Plant Problem!!!! 1st time grower...


Active Member
1) Growing indoor
2) Watering schedule: when the top 1-1.5" of the soil is dry and crusty
3) Growing Medium: Miracle Grow Potting Soil
4) What stage of growth: 3 weeks? only about 6"

They got too tall so I thought it was a genius idea to cut up straws and put them around the stems for support but have learned that I should not do that so since the pics have been taken (yesterday) I removed the straws and then curled the stem around the cup and put a little soil over them and watered so the extra stem would become root under soil. They were about 6inches tall now there only 1 or 2. I was using some fertilizer I cannot remember the name of I bought from wal-mart and also 1 24" tube fluorescent which I also bought from wal-mart when the pics were takin it was about 6-8 inches above plants, now I have the light 2-3 inches away. I know they should be on a 18 hour schedule but i have them on 22 hours so they can veg faster. Its only about 6-8 plants total and some may be males.



Well-Known Member
holy stretch get some lights on them, lay off the ferts that soil should last them for awhile, when you repot put soil up the stem instead of ghetto straws


Active Member
LOL! kill those things. start over...... put your lights MUCH closer this time.. like about an inch or 2 off the plants. It looks like you are using soil.... so you shouldn't need to add any nutrients for at least the first 2 weeks of growth (till there are about 3 or 4 sets of leaves). If you arent using soil..... go buy some. When you do start using the nutrients.... start with half as strong as the instructions tell you.. OH and dont water to much.. let your soil dry out almost completey before watering again ever time.