Young Plants not doing well, advice wanted please (pics)


First off, thanks for reading. Any sound advice is greatly appreciated! This is my second grow. The first went fantastic, no problems. My plants are about 2 weeks old now. They have begun to develop blotches on some leaves and some are curling. To this point there have been no nutes just plain water. Thanks!

1) Planted in Sungro Sunshine Natural & Organic #4 mix
2) Soil PH is 6.8 ish
3) one 600w mh (about 20 inches away) & two 55w florescents all on 24hrs a day
4) room temp is stable at 70F
5) good air circulation and ventilation
6) RH is 60



Well-Known Member
Hmm....I'm also going to guess it could be underwatering. If they run dry under that much light, they would get damaged rather quickly. You might want to back that 600 off a few inches til they get a little bigger, then bring it back down.


Well-Known Member
P.S. Having an inch of dry soil on top might be a little too dry for a smaller pot. I'd pick up the watering a little.


Well-Known Member
For my garden, I mist the soil and keep it moist until they have at least 6 nodes or approx 10" tall. (So long as I don't get any bugs)

And yes, I had gnats, and at one point it shrooms have tried growing. That's what tought me my water limits for my plants.

Good luck! Keep em healthy


Well-Known Member
600 is too close for that size of plant. Get it back 30 inches or so. Or just shut it down completely and use your two 55 watts cfls for a few weeks. Also have you given it any nutes? Those issues look more nute related than heat or drought related. Just plain ph water for a few weeks.


Thanks for all of your ideas! I have raised my light to about 24", the temp at plant level is 70F. Until Friday 2/5 all they had received was plain water - no nutes. I gave some water with about 1/2 dose of Pure Blend Pro Grow on Friday. Five of the six look to have reacted very well. The sixth looks better but it also showed more damage originally. I will get more pics up soon for your review. Thanks again for the help!


Active Member
Hi- I have a few suggestions for your ladies. Since no nutes have been used I would recommend moving your MH up another foot. The crispy curling leaves could be from it being too hot from the top. The spots on your leaves look like an ozone problem. You said you have circulation, but are they near a heater unit or generator? Last, do you live in a dry climate? The humidity in the room might be too low contributing to the dryness. I agree with the others about them being dry but I'm not sure it's from lack of watering.


Active Member
It might also help to put your lights on a cycle give them a break at night maybe 18/6 20/4 good luck


Alright, I have some new pics. I have added more air exchange, moved the light up to about 32" & I do believe the RH is still a pinch low, about 57-60%. Five have recovered well but the sixth one is still quite sick. The pics are all of the sixth plant. Any more ideas?


to much light use cfl's i had the same problem keep a spray bottle next to the light so it stays at room temp spray 5 to 10 sprays every time the top soil dry's out completely worked for me .