Young Republican Stormfronts


Well-Known Member

Lol. Just watch the whole thing.


Ursus marijanus
Was it on page 1 or page 2? I invite you to c&p the text. Still not finding it.

ceterum censeo meeting with a Republican legislator is not reliable indication of one's own party affiliation.


Well-Known Member
Was it on page 1 or page 2? I invite you to c&p the text. Still not finding it.

ceterum censeo meeting with a Republican legislator is not reliable indication of one's own party affiliation.
Page 1 or 2? I posted a video. And you really want to tell me that white supremacists aren't republicans or conservatives? Because if you are you better be ready to re write reality.


Well-Known Member
I found not a single reference to Republicans.
After receiving his Associate of Arts at Montgomery in 2011, Heimbach transferred to Towson University in 2011.[SUP][13][/SUP] By September, the new student was already making headlines in The Towerlight, Towson's student newspaper, as he sought to establish a chapter of Youth for Western Civilization on campus.[SUP][14][/SUP] John Donovan, whom Heimbach had known since high school,[SUP][15][/SUP] helped out and became the group's Vice President.[SUP][16][/SUP] Opposition came from liberals parroting Southern Poverty Law Center reports as well as from the Black Student Union and other non-White racial organizations. Initially, Heimbach took a very conciliatory approach, stating in a Towerlight video interview that he aimed to "revitalize the political atmosphere in universities that seems to have been lost," and introduced himself to the leaders of the Progressive Democrats, and to the heads of Latino and sexual degenerate groups at a club fair shortly after transferring as a show of friendship, hoping "to promote good, positive debate, and create that sort of culture, where, even if we disagree, hopefully at the end of the day we can still go out for pizza together." When asked to define Western Civilization, he did so in purely cultural terms.[SUP][17][/SUP]
The group's first event was commemoration of the September 11 attacks at a 9/11 memorial held jointly with the College Republicans. Other events focused on protesting a Maryland Heritage Day with emphasis on Frederick Douglass, and a Zionist propaganda handout with materials from the David Horowitz Foundation (which was poorly attended),[SUP][18][/SUP] along with populist opposition to gay "marriage" and illegal immigration.[SUP][19][/SUP] Even these gestures and the impartial treatment by The Towerlight were barely enough; on September 14 the group gained official approval in a 10-5 Student Government Association vote, with the student senators largely overriding a hostile crowd of over 150 students and administrators that attended the SGA meeting.[SUP][20][/SUP]

Heimbach speaking before the Towson SGA. At meeting's end, the student government voted to grant Youth for Western Civilization official status.

In its year of activity, the YWC chapter invited conservative activist and campaign manager Bay Buchanan to speak at the school,[SUP][21][/SUP] held a Straight Pride Day (the event was constantly disrupted by a camp of degenerates sitting on the floor and spouting sound bites in protest),[SUP][22][/SUP] an anti-communist Nativity scene,[SUP][23][/SUP] and held an anti-Sharia protest outside an event sponsored by the campus Muslim group.[SUP][24][/SUP] Fair-minded


bud bootlegger
After receiving his Associate of Arts at Montgomery in 2011, Heimbach transferred to Towson University in 2011.[SUP][13][/SUP] By September, the new student was already making headlines in The Towerlight, Towson's student newspaper, as he sought to establish a chapter of Youth for Western Civilization on campus.[SUP][14][/SUP] John Donovan, whom Heimbach had known since high school,[SUP][15][/SUP] helped out and became the group's Vice President.[SUP][16][/SUP] Opposition came from liberals parroting Southern Poverty Law Center reports as well as from the Black Student Union and other non-White racial organizations. Initially, Heimbach took a very conciliatory approach, stating in a Towerlight video interview that he aimed to "revitalize the political atmosphere in universities that seems to have been lost," and introduced himself to the leaders of the Progressive Democrats, and to the heads of Latino and sexual degenerate groups at a club fair shortly after transferring as a show of friendship, hoping "to promote good, positive debate, and create that sort of culture, where, even if we disagree, hopefully at the end of the day we can still go out for pizza together." When asked to define Western Civilization, he did so in purely cultural terms.[SUP][17][/SUP]
The group's first event was commemoration of the September 11 attacks at a 9/11 memorial held jointly with the College Republicans. Other events focused on protesting a Maryland Heritage Day with emphasis on Frederick Douglass, and a Zionist propaganda handout with materials from the David Horowitz Foundation (which was poorly attended),[SUP][18][/SUP] along with populist opposition to gay "marriage" and illegal immigration.[SUP][19][/SUP] Even these gestures and the impartial treatment by The Towerlight were barely enough; on September 14 the group gained official approval in a 10-5 Student Government Association vote, with the student senators largely overriding a hostile crowd of over 150 students and administrators that attended the SGA meeting.[SUP][20][/SUP]

Heimbach speaking before the Towson SGA. At meeting's end, the student government voted to grant Youth for Western Civilization official status.

In its year of activity, the YWC chapter invited conservative activist and campaign manager Bay Buchanan to speak at the school,[SUP][21][/SUP] held a Straight Pride Day (the event was constantly disrupted by a camp of degenerates sitting on the floor and spouting sound bites in protest),[SUP][22][/SUP] an anti-communist Nativity scene,[SUP][23][/SUP] and held an anti-Sharia protest outside an event sponsored by the campus Muslim group.[SUP][24][/SUP] Fair-minded
anyone else trying to imagine what an anti-communist nativity scene might look like? surely it's not just me.. :D


Well-Known Member
c'mon now bear, church, country music, the bible, and racism are basically the republican platform.
Don't let's not forget the fact that they are willing to shut down EVERYTHING when they "disagree" with policy. To be fair it's just a small part of their party controlling their ideals now, but......This is the same party that brought you complete government shutdown + 24 billion in waste ( not to mention 1+ mil that were furloughed)

IDK. Party of fiscal responsibility? Meh......


Ursus marijanus
Page 1 or 2? I posted a video. And you really want to tell me that white supremacists aren't republicans or conservatives? Because if you are you better be ready to re write reality.
I didn't watch the vid. i read the text. i found zero reference to Heimbach's party affiliation.


Ursus marijanus
c'mon now bear, church, country music, the bible, and racism are basically the republican platform.
I wonder how tight the correlation is. I've known plenty an agnostic/atheistic Republican.

Multiquote ain't doing it for me, so I'm gonna go one at a time here.


Ursus marijanus
Page 1 or 2? I posted a video. And you really want to tell me that white supremacists aren't republicans or conservatives? Because if you are you better be ready to re write reality.
Since I came from back East (Mid-'Lannic), the party split for the white bigots I encountered was about even ime. I won't generalize that to reality as a whole; i hope you'll forgive me my caution.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
unsourced bullshit copy/paste nonsense from The Land That Citations Forgot.

what turd did you flip over to find this stinking mushroom?


Ursus marijanus
For some reason, I cannot quote Chesus' unattributed (as usual) c&pgasm. One glancing reference to College republicans. Thin gruel.

Should anyone think I am defending the Republicans, i am not. I hold to the principle that i will defend to the death the right of my fellow citizen to speak, no matter how repugnant i find the message.


Well-Known Member
unsourced bullshit copy/paste nonsense from The Land That Citations Forgot.

what turd did you flip over to find this stinking mushroom?
i wonder what his thoughts on multiculturalism are. i bet they align fairly well with someone else i know.


Well-Known Member
Be proud of your stupidity
As opposed to the ignorance you have for your stupidity?

You post a video, under the guise of journalism, where the story is biased beyond belief. Is there really any need to poison the well and call the guy a radical, and all other negative adjectives, instead of just giving the story without editorial comment?

No, the story is presented in such a way that those telling it basically say if you agree with the subject of our story, your a radical and an idiot.

Its amazing what passes for journalism these days.