YoungClover's Indoor/Outdoor Grow Log


Active Member
I have been growing, and frequenting the site for quite some time now. I have actually used info from the site since way before I sign up in my grows. I have three females & one seedling currently, but I have a much bigger outdoor grow coming. I decide to start Journal, so I can post my preperation, and growing methods use for outdoor grow 09. I will be posting many tutorials and tests throughout my grow. I will be trying out many Cloning teqniques. I will test Different Nutes including my own mixture. I will take three plants from the same mother, one will be lst trained, one will be supercropped, and one will not be trained. We will see which produces the maximum yield.

Current plants:
I have a four month old plant, that is five weeks into budding and looking very nice. The seed for the plant came from jamaica, so it will be nice to see what I get.

I have a clone of the budding plant, It is one month 3 weeks. I'm going to keep it as a mother for my outdoor grow and future indoor grows.

I also have a clone from a friends plant. I looks very nice in veg, but I have yet to flower a plant of this type so we will see how it goes. I will send it into flower as soon as I can take two clones from it. One will be kept and grown into a mother if the bud looks nice, the other is off to a friend.

I have a rather insignificant seedling that is about two days out out of the ground. More on the seedling as it develops.

YoungClover :weed:



Active Member
Today, I clipped four clones, two from my Jamaican clone, and two from my other clone. I'm expecting them to root within the next two weeks, and then I'll keep them inside until mid to late april.

I'll also clip atleast two more clones in about a week or two.

YoungClover :joint:

