Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
Back in '85 I was flying back from a week of depravity in Florida. Not a whole lot of people on the flight, every row of seats on the 737 only had 1 or 2 passengers sitting in them instead of 6. I was hung over and my sister, who I had stayed with there, burned a fat one with me on the way to the airport, so I was gonna sleep on the way home. Except there were a few rowdy longhaired hippy types (like me back then) in the back of the plane bein' kinda loud. I notice this dark haired fella sitting accross from me by himself, and I thought, "I know him." But I couldn't put a name to the face.
As we were on final approach to Port Columbus, the pilot came over the intercom and gave us the speil about the weather and yadda yadda, then he said, "I'd like to thank MOLLY HATCHETT for flying with us today."
As it turned out I had been sitting next to Danny Joe Brown, the lead singer. I was a BIG fan but, with the hangover and all, wasn't very perceptive that day.
The guys in back sang 'Flirtin With Disaster' as we came in for a landing, then autographed my BIKEWEEK hat before we got off. It was COOL AS SHIT.
4 years ago as I drove to work one morning, I heard Danny Joe died of complications from diabetes. I was bummed.

So, who else out there has had a BRUSH with GREATNESS?


Well-Known Member
Does it count if they weren't great at the time? Well they were great but not by world standards. Nickleback, I know just a band I can't stand the music anymore, ever since the song how you remind me. Anyway they used to play at the local bars in the canadian rock circuit. We would see them on weeknights in a bar with 20-30 people. I loved em cause they always had a pot leaf on the drum skin and we would sit with em between sets play pool go out and smoke joints etc. Then they sold out (to me anyhow) and I've forgot about them. Still have some shit they gave us. set list,picks. probably worth something someday.

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
Does it count if they weren't great at the time? Well they were great but not by world standards. Nickleback, I know just a band I can't stand the music anymore, ever since the song how you remind me. Anyway they used to play at the local bars in the canadian rock circuit. We would see them on weeknights in a bar with 20-30 people. I loved em cause they always had a pot leaf on the drum skin and we would sit with em between sets play pool go out and smoke joints etc. Then they sold out (to me anyhow) and I've forgot about them. Still have some shit they gave us. set list,picks. probably worth something someday.
You could sell that to the teenage girls who listen to them now.


Well-Known Member
Naw. I just lure them back to my lair. J/K:weed:

They really are not that great and that post doesn't count. I don't think I've had any great ones like molly hatchet. My cousin used to play in the NHL so I got to meet a bunch of the leafs during the wendel clarke doug gilmore days!


Well-Known Member
Well, I have never really been a fan of wrestling but this was about 4-5 years in Clearwater, Florida. I was 16-17 years old at the time and was staying at my sister's apartment along with her boyfriend and two kids. Her boyfriend washed house windows for a living and after he got done working we would get blazed as hell. This time we happened to have got blazed in the car but don't remember where we were going or coming from but we had to dip into a gas station for some petro. So he goes in to pay for the gas ( he's driving ) so I hop out the passenger side ( I'm high as hell ) and open the tank up and filled her up with gas and hopped back in the car by this time he's back in the driver seat and we take back off. We get like 30 seconds down the street and this black suburban with tinted windows pulls up next to us while were driving down the street and rolls the window down and gets our attention. So I roll down my passenger window to see whats going on and the guy says " hey brotha, you left your tank WIDE open ". I'm fucking high as hell so all I can do is look at him so finally my sisters BF is like " alright " . We roll the windows back up, look at eachother and say " that was Hulk Hogan ". And I'll be damned if it wasn't, had his bandanda on and all. The rest of the family still don't think we really saw him but fuck I know what I saw.

A couple years later I found out that Clearwater, Florida is where he lives.


Well-Known Member
Well, I have never really been a fan of wrestling but this was about 4-5 years in Clearwater, Florida. I was 16-17 years old at the time and was staying at my sister's apartment along with her boyfriend and two kids. Her boyfriend washed house windows for a living and after he got done working we would get blazed as hell. This time we happened to have got blazed in the car but don't remember where we were going or coming from but we had to dip into a gas station for some petro. So he goes in to pay for the gas ( he's driving ) so I hop out the passenger side ( I'm high as hell ) and open the tank up and filled her up with gas and hopped back in the car by this time he's back in the driver seat and we take back off. We get like 30 seconds down the street and this black suburban with tinted windows pulls up next to us while were driving down the street and rolls the window down and gets our attention. So I roll down my passenger window to see whats going on and the guy says " hey brotha, you left your tank WIDE open ". I'm fucking high as hell so all I can do is look at him so finally my sisters BF is like " alright " . We roll the windows back up, look at eachother and say " that was Hulk Hogan ". And I'll be damned if it wasn't, had his bandanda on and all. The rest of the family still don't think we really saw him but fuck I know what I saw.

A couple years later I found out that Clearwater, Florida is where he lives.
Nice the hulkster! reminds me... I used to go to wrestling every time it came. my cousin and I's season tickets were right next to the door where they would walk out, on top of that was where the cameras would go for nhl hockey games. we would go sit on there to get real close, we both dared each other to hit andre the giant on the head but we were both wayyyy too scared of that man.

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
When I was 12yo I went to a wrestling show down along the river. 'The ANIMAL George Steele' crawled under the ring and they had to coax him out with a hamburger. lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah it was a pretty cool experience and I was like super high at the time so thats always a plus in my book. And to think if I wouldn't have been high, I most likely wouldn't have accidently left the gas tank open and there for wouldn't have had that experience.
Is there anything weed can't do? LOL.


Well-Known Member
i've smoked with the kotton mouth kings.. i thought i would impress them with the dode i had at the time... to put it mildly what they had destroyed my shit... wow.. it was truely amazing... bunch of really cool dudes... but thats been, hell, almost 7 years ago?? maybe 8...


Well-Known Member
i've smoked with the kotton mouth kings.. i thought i would impress them with the dode i had at the time... to put it mildly what they had destroyed my shit... wow.. it was truely amazing... bunch of really cool dudes... but thats been, hell, almost 7 years ago?? maybe 8...

That is pretty damn cool.


Well-Known Member
I was playing a club in the Rockies when, during a break, Bruce Willis latched onto ME and kinda hung onto me for several hours. Guess he lked band guys?
Also ended up partying with Dewey Martin (Buffalo Springfield) for quite a while . . . before, during and after a show.
As a youngster, I tried to pull the nose off of Willard Scott when he was the official Bozo the clown, on WTTG TV (metropolitan D.C). late 50's, early 60's.

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
Willard didn't need a stick-on red nose. Maybe that's why you couldn't get it off. lol

I'm sorry. lol
I've just always imagined Willard as the mean drunk off camera. He's so nice until they yell CUT, then he downs a fifth, breaks the bottle over Bryant Gumbel's head, all the while tryin' to cop a feel from Katie Courick.
It would make a GREAT MADTV skit.

I know... I need help.


Active Member
I used to work for a private ambulance and we did details at the local rock venue. So I worked Ozzfest. I met Static-X, which was cool because that was the type of music I listened to back then. At the end of the show we're packing up our shit in the rig and some giant sumbitch walks right up to me, points at me and says " Ozzy needs YOUR oxygen." I wasn't in a position to argue, but I told the nice giant man that company protocol was I have to stay with the O2 tank. (which was total bullshit but fuck, I wanted to meet Ozzy dammit) so he agreed. Long story short, after Ozzy took 5 mins of oxygen, said thanks, asked my name, said nice to meet you, and promptly let me go.

I also met Steve Miller band there, and a few years after I left the ambulance I went to see them at the same venue. I was right up front and they recognized me, so between sets I ended up with a pass backstage after the show. Hung out with them fellas for about 45 mins, good time.


Well-Known Member
LMAO!! I met kane from WWF when I was like 12 got his autograph a mask and a handshake but now I think of it was probably some random big dude with a wig and mask on.