Your expierence after takin shrooms


New Member
i want to try , shrooms n its barely ever in my i wanna no wat u say and shit when u tryd em?? ......n do u usually have it in ur area


Well-Known Member
i want to try , shrooms n its barely ever in my i wanna no wat u say and shit when u tryd em?? ......n do u usually have it in ur area
iv never had them befor but id try them if i could get sum. acid when i was 18 and salvia for the fist time about a mounth or 2 ago!


Cap K

Well-Known Member
If you are with the right people, great laughs along with good visuals. I have'nt seen em since ages ago in Brooklyn though.


Shrooms CAN be fun if you're in the right frame of mind.
You have to, like anything in the psychedelic group of drugs, be ready to LET GO OF CONTROL.
When you try to control your trip, you can very easily turn it into a bad trip. You've got to consciously be able to shut that off and go for a ride.

Haven't done 'em myself since '05. I'm the designated parent now. :)
depends who ur with can be rilly fun or jus plain scary, weather enviroment and the peeps ur with always dictate how ur trip will be.. here only seasonally usually in the summer so i usually buy alot and store em. not good thing to do alot of, hallucinigens stay in ur spinal fluid and can oscassionaly be released for wut ever reasons, also alot of hallucingen abuse destroys ur chromosomes so if healthy kids is something u want i wouldnt advise doin alot of them. :D stick to ur weed silly fuck.


Well-Known Member
i would describe them as a mind fuck, not my thing i like being in control of my mind

That is exactly how i explain it. It is a total mind fuck. And boy i got fucked harddddd.

One night me and a buddy bought a 1/4 oz of shrooms. We were going to take a full 1/8 to ourself cause we heard that they were bunk shrooms(Turned out they were very stong and the person that said they were shitty only ate 2 caps and a stem). Well that was our first mistake. I have about 10 caps and 20-30 stems. They were liberty caps. And they tasted fucking great. i snacked on em for around ten mins before they were gone. They tease just like pumpkin seeds. Anyways the first 4-5 hours were amazing. Like nothing ive ever felt. And this is where you could say i started to get fucked, Started slow and then the rhythm picked up:hump:.

I would go into trances where one minute i would be Looking into the water(We were on the back of my buddys houseboat) thinking its the sky, Scared out of my mind of falling. And then i would be 100% sober. Im talking about no tingling feeling, no light head nothing. Then i would kinda forget i was shrooming. Then as soom as someone mentioned or reminded me that i was shrooming BAM! i would get hit again. Stonger then before.

After about 4 hours of this fucked up rollercoster i started to feel EXTREAM anxiety. I thought i was doing shit wrong the whole night. In my head i was going insane. The rest of that night I can safely say it was the worst night of my life.

I had mixed about 4 blunts. and some games of beerpong while i was waiting for it to kick in..

Would i do it again, yeah. Its something i will do around once a year, maybe twice once with my friends and once with a girl.

NEVER will i mix the three though. Ever again.


New Member
lmao damn mayb this time u should try it with a bunch of ur homies and do it on solid ground lo;


Well-Known Member
lmao damn mayb this time u should try it with a bunch of ur homies and do it on solid ground lo;

I was with 10 of my closest friends. But i fo feel you on the doing it on solid ground. Pretty weird when if feels like your moving but you really just tripping but your really moving. damn im having flashbacks.

grow space

Well-Known Member
never had a bad trip, but my friend has tripped with me twice and both was hes first times and he always got a bad trip.
shrooms are just so great, the give you a 6th sense or something, oh-and always smoke some great bud with it too to reach the next level:):):)