Your latest seed purchase?

No they are not, they are hating bullying cunts and should be reported as I do.

I am not taking their shit, its fucking disgraceful should not be here from grown men!

Fuck them all. I have done nothing wrong yet I am being hated on a few threads by the tag team of bullying grown men.

No chance, I will not have it hence the reporting I have done.

As I said, I've been growing decades and I know my weed is great so what beans do you have to offer that will get me better weed and exactly why ?
If your skin is so thin you might not make it here. Good luck !

And only one person is calling other people horrible (hating bullying) cunts...can someone please do something about how he made me feel less than...oh wait a minute.

I didnt skip a beat.

USA genetics are the best. Now GO !~

to be honest i have only bought from these 3 fine USA seedbanks.
Great Lakes Genetics (313, Schwaggys Fine seeds, Humbolt and the best freebies EVER)
Esosseeds (a dude and not a bank)

All 3 made in USA and all 3 made me see i will NEVER buy anything else again...maybe some JOTI gear but i have some already. the odd made in Canada seed too.
But canuck bulk seeds...Seedsman bulk seeds...hard pass. I did well with them in the past but its time to EVOLVE
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Must be tiresome. Waking up straight to the screen hating again exactly the same.

Grown man too eh telling me to put up with it because I might not make it here. No chance, fuck the bullies

Go back to bed
The only person hating and bullying is you, no one is taking any personal shots except you. Do you honestly believe that people who have different opinions and views are all bullies?
Another bulky is awake, morning lazy bones.

Quick your tag team has up already so keep up.

Just think again about the bullying, it's that much it even pollutes other threads the tag team post on because other members have come Ted on how shit the hating on me has become from you guys.

Don't try turning it around like they all cowardly do. You are one of the main guys doing it so cut it out kid.

Go get your breakfast and have a think grown man.
When everyone is an asshole you meet, maybe it's not everyone else.
When everyone is an asshole you meet, maybe it's not everyone else.

Still there.

Bored yet. You just woke up.

Seriously, think about what other grown men do but here you are fresh out of bed.

Takes some explaining right.

It really does.....
Still there.

Bored yet. You just woke up.

Seriously, think about what other grown men do but here you are fresh out of bed.

Takes some explaining right.

It really does.....
Bored, no. It's quite fun seeing you squirm and be on the verge of having a meltdown accusing everyone of bullying.
I try not to think about other grown men. I'm perfectly happy with my girl. What you do in your bedroom is your business. Keep that door shut.
Don't lie this is actually Barney from Barney's seeds right? Sorry your beans are shit man there's still time to turn it around. Best of luck to you

Morning bully team member.

Another one bang at it as soon as he woke up.

By the way, I've seen what you grow too.
Morning bully team member.

Another one bang at it as soon as he woke up.

By the way, I've seen what you grow too.
Just another observation, but stop assuming every poster is a Guy and from America.
You like it don't you.

You think your big by doing it right, funny too.

You're so mean and so hard bbig lad.

Poor soul and those around you.

You must be very demanding and controlling.

Pity the others around you. Sad life all day every day fresh out of bed and bang at it yet again.
Right I'm so mean by reminding you not everyone is from America or that some users are in fact Women.
Right I'm so mean by reminding you not everyone is from America or that some users are in fact Women.

Still here.

Think or is it too painful to come to terms with?

What is she doing now?

What are you doing!

So sad, days and days of it.

At some point can people just move on, even if it means ignoring someone?

I swear I'm done buying seeds, but my last purchase was some of the Stray benefit seeds... gonna be hard not popping any but going to try to wait until another time.
Man I know right? I hear BakedBeanz is gonna have another drop here soon over on soaknbeans and I'm trying hard to just forget about it :weed: