your cats feel love?


New Member
merlin the truth about the elephant is the mahout is guiding his actions with a stick that has a hook on it jabbed into his ribs

LOL guess you didnt wach it? Oh ya the jabs did it? WOW! Thats realy someting? How could someone jabbing them make them make art? Spechal jabs thats guys got but I never saw any jabing going on? I dont think you even took the time to check it out? What a wast of my time even typing these lines?! :dunce:


Well-Known Member
I definitely agree with that.

All that proves is that animals have a class system, and you being aggressive towards him is completely normal in the wild... it just means you're the Alpha. Humans are more aware, so they can choose to leave the situation. this has nothing to do with "love". most social animal groups display this, look at how brothers bully younger brothers in the human world...


Well-Known Member
i watched ,the handler was on the outside of the elephant not in the sight of the camra
i saw a special on that... the elephant was taught to paint certain strokes to create the picture, because he knows if he does it correctly he will be rewarded. this is way off the topic of love....

but on the topic of elephants, they mourn their dead. they are even know to visit the death places of elephants up to 3 generations later to mourn and pay homage.


New Member
I see thats your proof you couldnt see anything? Ya thats good proof. Buy you see less then that elephant does. Later for you mon. Peace!


New Member
Hmmm? I think its called truth. That elephant knows Joy and has a self image. I saw the special on these elephants and they said the elephants pick up on this them selfs? I see you guys want to feel only you can know love but I realy dont think you know love at all? Its not the animals who dont know how to love. Look around at what people do to each other and to this world and tell me about love! LOL Thats truly funny! Mankind WHAT AN ANIMAL!! Ive never seen a mother cat dump its kitten into a dumpster? I hear about humans doing this and much much worse everyday. How is that love? Bunk Is what that is! Iam done trying to get you guys to open your eye. Ok only mankind can know love! (the love of killing each other and all of nature that they can) Ya man we're the best nature just sucks!! LOL! Peace OUT!


Well-Known Member
Cats don't dump there kids in dumpsters, well, actually, I'm sure they would, since they have no problem eating there young at times.


New Member
Cats don't dump there kids in dumpsters, well, actually, I'm sure they would, since they have no problem eating there young at times.

Sure they do. Where? Come on wheres your proof? Lets see it. I read how people do this in the news all the time. Lets see your info on how animals do this all the time! You got it? Or are you guys just talking to make yourselfs feel better about yourselfs? Sounds like your hiding something?! Seems the farther people get from nature the more they say this bs? Ya Ya mankind is soooo superior we are about to superior our selfs into extinction now thats what I call love!!? Its cool its cool after all how many animals are now extinct because of you love filled people? How many more will be gone by tomorow? Now that is some kind of love all right yep you got it. Forget you. I have no more time with the likes of you. Peace (way) Out! Wink!! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
:rolleyes: Well, if you MUST ask..... Have you ever seen a documentary? Do you ever watch tv besides reality shows? This shit is common knowledge man..... Talkin to make myself feel better? You must of lived a very sheltered life.

When is the last time you heard abut a baby left in a dumpster? Cause animals eat there babies everyday in nature.

If you're not merlin DON'T CLICK THE LINK!!!!! You DO NOT want to see it.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I just did a doubletake. Did you say humans were on the brink of extinction? Wow dude, I'm done with you, I'd feel better arguing with a rock.


New Member
Wow, I just did a doubletake. Did you say humans were on the brink of extinction? Wow dude, I'm done with you, I'd feel better arguing with a rock.

I think that would be a good idea. At least if you argue with a rock you might (notice I said MIGHT lol) have a chance to win one!!!!? Just dont try that with a cat cus you got no chance!! ;-)


Well-Known Member
I think that would be a good idea. At least if you argue with a rock you might (notice I said MIGHT lol) have a chance to win one!!!!? ;-)
wow what are you trying to prove buddy? none of us respect you here and obviously louis is a moderately well known member of this community.

you're just some 150 post punk trying to argue some stupid bullshit and when your weak arguments are rebuked you resort to personal attacks.

end of my rant about you.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
My cat hates me when I leave, if only for a few hours. I think that means he loves me.

He sure loves the catnip I grow for him...

Cats are awesome.


New Member
wow what are you trying to prove buddy? none of us respect you here and obviously louis is a moderately well known member of this community.

you're just some 150 post punk trying to argue some stupid bullshit and when your weak arguments are rebuked you resort to personal attacks.

end of my rant about you.

Does that make him right or less of a jerk? Or for that matter does your punk time here make you any less of a punk jurk? I think not! kiss-assHe made a BS statment based on bs and I called him out. If he had any facts he would be here spewing them. I gave you facts I cant help it if your to dumb or unkind to see the love that is every ware around you in nature sooooo f off punk nature hater jerk! :finger:


Well-Known Member
Wow, I just can't resist. BS statement? You said you animals never eat there young. I could of found an article but I decided to do you one better and gave you a vid, and I don't have facts?

This thread is fun today. :D


Well-Known Member
yep, that's exactly why I called him out. he didn't say shit rebuking it after you pulled out that video.


New Member
Sorry no vid. And you cant help coming back. One other thing Iam pointing out what this thread is about how cats CAN love all you jurks can do spew more hate? I all most feel sorry for you out of touch punks.(allmost) Where is your info in the news about how animals are allways killing there young? If you found one or two or three vids thats proves nothing. I can find thousands of reports for every one of your twisted facts proving how people kill there own kids and are distorying the very world thay live on. Reports proving how man makes more and more species of animals extinct every day! And when you do you say they where just dumb beasts but I say your the dumb beasts. Its realy easy if you would open your eyes! But I know you cant help being what you are and that doesnt make it right!! (does it?)


Well-Known Member
This guy isn't gonna be around long. He's startin shit with everyone in this thread. Lol.
Poplars, check your rep. :)