Your opinion on the best and easiest nutrients


Well-Known Member
I’m sure this has been done over and over before but am new to this site and just looking at everyone’s opinions on what they think is the best nutrients and the simplest to use for soil for veg and flower.I have looked at so many and some look easy to use while others seem you to need to have a chemist degree to use. I have been using the fox-farm trio set. The only issues I run into seem to be in flower with a bit of mag diff and tip burning but theirs not many I haven’t seen with these issues as well. Just curious to see what’s out their and what you use
I’d bubble up some Roots organic terp tea grow/bloom and do they if I was in soil.
id also try my jacks 321 in soil also
Call me crazy but I like to weight dry fertilizer each time that way if I need to adjust something it's fast and easy...