Your Opinions Based On Experience


Well-Known Member
So as it pretains to weight of your yields, how dry do you let your plants get in the final days before you chop?

The reason I ask is because I just picked a few plants, but one of 'em really loves to gobble water, and I quit watering all of them at the same time. I may have deprived that one particular plant of moisture longer than I intended. Lemme tell ya, it was D-R-Y, like all the fan leaves were hang'n straight down.

Basically, they needed water every two days, so watered on Monday, they needed water on Weds night, didn't give it to them, went all thrus and then lights out last night, came home just a bit ago to chop and noticed that the bigger plants' buds were softer, sponge like.

Normally this spongy texture is the way it is at about 3-4 days after harvest, so it's not unusual for me, just unusual to have it in this condition right at picktime. No browning or discoloration on buds, and still smells danky as hell, not at all worried about the quality, just wondering if I should expect a decreased yield or was I just getting that initial stage of drying out of the way?

Btw, it was a Sannies strain, K.O. Kush F3. Really good shit, but all the "F"1,2,3-ing he does makes it so there's tons of phenos within a 'strain'. But I will say that this stuff does very closely resemble the photos of ko kush he displays on his site.

I'm glad this harvest is over, last grow for a while, it's been a white knuckle grow b/c of my living situation and this shit makes the entire crib wreak, using TWO filters. (cheap growbright)


Well-Known Member
I have found that it is much easier to trim when the plants are not starved of moisture. Plants that have started drying out are stringer and the buds come off with the leaves also.


Well-Known Member
I have found that it is much easier to trim when the plants are not starved of moisture. Plants that have started drying out are stringer and the buds come off with the leaves also.
Good point, although I don't trim until just before I'm ready to jar. The buds are moist and I keep all the leaves on until jaring because it seems like it slows down the dry process in my otherwise dry environment. If I take the leaves off right away, my buds are crispy in about 4 days.